| - Dagvaktin (English translation "Day Shift") is an Icelandic Work Com, and the sequel series to the wildy popular (in Iceland, anyway) Naeturvaktin. It stars the same Comic Trio of Georg, Daníel and Ólafur Ragnar, but is set in an isolated hotel in Iceland's Westfjords, owned and run by the formidable and sex-mad Gugga. Hilarity Ensues. In this series, the characters get out and about more, instead of being tied solely to their workplace, and meet various locals. There is also some character development, and we learn a lot more about what makes the main characters tick, especially Georg. The series also has a greater level of drama, as the characters deal with tragedy, family problems and an unfortunate incident with a frying pan.
* Bad Boss: Georg (again) when he finally gains control of the hotel.
* Berserk Button: Georg has several, which he uses with increasing frequency as the series progresses.
* Black Comedy Rape: Gugga forces herself on Ólafur. Daníel, however, is not amused.
* Break the Cutie: Both Daníel and Ólafur get this. See the entry for Woobie.
* Butt Monkey: Ólafur. Still picked on mercilessly by Georg, who seems convinced that it's for Ólafur's own good.
* Chewing the Scenery: Georg in his rages. So very much.
* Can't Hold His Liquor: Daníel doesn't drink. When he finally has some wine at a concert we see why.
* Also Georg. Normally he speaks out against the evils of alcohol, but after he kicks Ólafur out of the hotel he indulges in some brandy. The results aren't very pretty.
* The Ditz: Ólafur. Loveable but not very bright.
* Financial Abuse: Georg does this to Ólafur by withholding his wages, telling him that they're going in a joint savings fund. In truth, the money goes under Georg's bed.
* Freudian Excuse: Georg. Plenty of his "foibles" can be explained by his upbringing and relationship with his mother, Bjarnfreður. For an example, see under Squick.
* Tsundere: Georg appears to be a Type A Tsundere.