| - Xeron Hylos (pronounced /ˈzɛ.ɹon ɦyloʊ̯s/) was an Arkanian dark side Force-user who once served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight and later a Jedi master. However, as the years passed, Hylos became convinced the Order was too weak to uphold the peace and protect the Republic. As a result, he left the Jedi Order feeling disillusioned. Years later, in 31 BBY, Hylos led several terrorist attacks on the Jedi Temple until he was defeated and arrested by the Jedi. However, knowing the flaws and designs of the Jedi Temple, he was able to escape and returned to his homeworld of Arkania. Fearing that Hylos would do something more sinister, the Jedi Council dispatched Jedi Knight Kyle Redbreak and Ralana Ahln, both of whom knew Hylos so well, to travel to Arkania in an attempt to reason with Xeron. However, when the two Jedi arrived, Hylos attempted to convince them to join the dark side. When they refused, Hylos engaged them in a fierce lightsaber duel. Hylos, not wanting to be recaptured by the Jedi, fell off an icy cliff to his apparent death, leaving Redbreak and Ahln distraught with pain and horror. A decade later, Hylos was sought out by Dooku in 23 BBY, being kept in the background until he was ready to come out into the open. In the meantime, Xeron was tasked with training Sith acolytes for use against the Jedi Order. Eventually, he was placed in charge of the training regime. Hylos' last stand was on Chandrila, where he was defeated by his old foe, Kyle Redbreak. After his death, Tellene Lunos assumed the teachings of the acolytes.