The Master Chief, originally named John, was born in 2511 and first lived with his family on the human colony planet E Large for his six years of age, and approximately a foot above his school peers, In 2517, John and other children his age are covertly taken from their homes and replaced with flash clones to hide the kidnapping. The original children are brought to Reach, one of the UNSC's main colonies, to begin intense physical and psychological training to become SPARTAN-II super soldiers. They are assigned new identification numbers,John becomes known as John-117. Approximately eight years later, John and the other children are biologically and cybernetically augmented and enhanced. These procedures had substantial risks; Only John and thirty-two other Spartans survive. {C John-117 wa
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| - The Master Chief, originally named John, was born in 2511 and first lived with his family on the human colony planet E Large for his six years of age, and approximately a foot above his school peers, In 2517, John and other children his age are covertly taken from their homes and replaced with flash clones to hide the kidnapping. The original children are brought to Reach, one of the UNSC's main colonies, to begin intense physical and psychological training to become SPARTAN-II super soldiers. They are assigned new identification numbers,John becomes known as John-117. Approximately eight years later, John and the other children are biologically and cybernetically augmented and enhanced. These procedures had substantial risks; Only John and thirty-two other Spartans survive. {C John-117 wa
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| - "They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Spartan I wanted. You know me. I did my research. Watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be. Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader. But you had something they didn't. Something no one saw, but me. Can you guess...? Luck."
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| - The Master Chief, originally named John, was born in 2511 and first lived with his family on the human colony planet E Large for his six years of age, and approximately a foot above his school peers, In 2517, John and other children his age are covertly taken from their homes and replaced with flash clones to hide the kidnapping. The original children are brought to Reach, one of the UNSC's main colonies, to begin intense physical and psychological training to become SPARTAN-II super soldiers. They are assigned new identification numbers,John becomes known as John-117. Approximately eight years later, John and the other children are biologically and cybernetically augmented and enhanced. These procedures had substantial risks; Only John and thirty-two other Spartans survive. {C John-117 was named team leader and was given an A.I in which other Spartan's weren't given. Cortana was the A.I's name, she picked not only cause he was the leader but because of his luck.