| - The Sevateem were the degenerated remnant of the original expedition's survey team. Their development and behaviour were influenced by Xoanon as part of its experiments to contrast physical and intuitive development with mental and psychic development. They lived in a concentrated environment, afraid to travel beyond its borders for fear of phantoms that, in actuality, were projections of Xoanon's psyche. Banishment was one form of punishment. The tribe also kept a pit full of Horda used for executions. Neeva, the shaman and Speaker of Law for the Sevateem, communicated with Xoanon on their behalf. He told Andor to attack the Tesh — an act with which Leela disagreed, seeing her banished. The attack was a failure and provoked criticisms of Neeva. The Fourth Doctor used the communicator that allowed Neeva to speak to Xoanon to instruct him to send the Sevateem into the Tesh base. There, the Doctor was able to restore Xoanon's sanity, ending his attempts to control the people and putting an end to the phantoms. The Doctor left the Sevateem and the Tesh to their own means as they attempted to unite their two tribes. Since Leela had communicated with Xoanon, it was suggested that she could help unite the two tribes. Leela refused and asked the Doctor if she could travel with him; when he said no she ran into the TARDIS and pressed a button that began dematerialisation. (TV: The Face of Evil) Leela was the greatest warrior in the history of the Sevateem, who sacrificed her life to save her tribe. (AUDIO: The Catalyst) The Doctor's companion Leela was named in her honour. (AUDIO: The Catalyst, Arbitration, The Abandoned) While under the control of Rees in 2014, Leela used the pseudonym "Miss Sevateem". (AUDIO: Second Sight)