| - Grey is the son of Vadne and Murphy, husband of Ivy, and father of Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm. He is the magician of nullification, he can nullify any magic near him then restore it stronger than before. Ivy rescued him from Mundania in Man from Mundania. Wondering how a mundane could have a magician level talent, he and Ivy went to Com Pewter and found out who his parents were, Vadne and Murphy. They had made a deal with Com Pewter to give him their son in return for getting them out of Xanth.
| - Grey is the son of Vadne and Murphy, husband of Ivy, and father of Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm. He is the magician of nullification, he can nullify any magic near him then restore it stronger than before. Ivy rescued him from Mundania in Man from Mundania. Wondering how a mundane could have a magician level talent, he and Ivy went to Com Pewter and found out who his parents were, Vadne and Murphy. They had made a deal with Com Pewter to give him their son in return for getting them out of Xanth. Upon learning his fate, he and Ivy went in search of Humfrey to find a way around it. Humfrey told them to serve him at his castle until he returned. While serving there, they found services to the Good Magician supersede all other services. This temporarily keep Grey from serving Com Pewter. Grey was freed from service to Com Pewter in Question Quest. Lacuna changed the print on Pewter's screen to free Grey. After being freed, he was able to marry Ivy. On Ptero, one of Ida's moons, an older Grey is known as Royal Consort, since he is married to future King Ivy. This was only for one book, however, because the normal king on Ptero was indisposed.