| - PS5 and its wacky adventures will beautifully narrate the end of Earth's history before the planet becomes a great museum...that place where the cosmic gaming device came from. A device that lets you waste hours and hours...with people you don't even like that much. A few humans will survive and travel around the galaxy. They will be known as one of those people from that planet with the gaming system. Humans will wander around the galaxy until they all inter-mate with inter-mate-able species. The only remaining object of humanity...will be the PS5.
- The Sony PlayStation 5 will first flop in the year 2081. The games will have floppy graphics, floppy sports action, floppy physics, and come on floppy disks. There will also be virtual flop games, games that allow players to virtually flop in their own neighborhoods (literally), a program that allows the player to flop the Internet, and another program to allow him to start a free flop that can be read on the Internet from a PlayStation Flop or a personal computer. The PlayStation Flop will show a error message every time you try to connect to the Internet.
| - PS5 and its wacky adventures will beautifully narrate the end of Earth's history before the planet becomes a great museum...that place where the cosmic gaming device came from. A device that lets you waste hours and hours...with people you don't even like that much. A few humans will survive and travel around the galaxy. They will be known as one of those people from that planet with the gaming system. Humans will wander around the galaxy until they all inter-mate with inter-mate-able species. The only remaining object of humanity...will be the PS5. The PS5 will come in a really nifty box...much bigger than the actual gaming set suspended in a new form of liquid foam bubbles and will be sealed in an extreamly strong plastic wrapper that only a butcher will be able to remove.
- The Sony PlayStation 5 will first flop in the year 2081. The games will have floppy graphics, floppy sports action, floppy physics, and come on floppy disks. There will also be virtual flop games, games that allow players to virtually flop in their own neighborhoods (literally), a program that allows the player to flop the Internet, and another program to allow him to start a free flop that can be read on the Internet from a PlayStation Flop or a personal computer. The PlayStation Flop will show a error message every time you try to connect to the Internet. However, there will be competitors. Nintendo will attempt to capture the over 10 crowd with its sports games, fantasy driving games (NASCAR and Gran Turismo are examples), and any sort of game that does have fighting, blood, or graphic violence to it. Microsoft will attempt to develop a darker variety of games to keep up with the PlayStation 5 crowd. The critics will rave that the PlayStation 5 will not have graphics that surpass the PlayStation 4. However, all three companies will create educational games in an attempt to keep the graces of the parents of the post-rock generation who were born in the year 1967 or later. These enlightened parents have experienced first-hand the atrocities of Mortal Kombat, Duke Nukem Forever, Doom, Quake, Flop, and Grand Theft Auto has done to society in the 1990s and early 21st century. In the end, the post-rock generation will worship the Nintendo Pii and Microsoft X-Box 1080 as "cool," while Floppy once again becomes the system of choice for younger children who are not allowed to play a game that is rated for kids 10 years of age and older. Despite the fact it will send Sony out of business, the PS5 is going to be the biggest, coolest, and baddest game station out there when it comes out. Some games include:
* Fluffy bunnys!
* With sauce on top! (Expansion pack to Fluffly bunnys!)
* Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing
* Grand Theft Airplane (This game is highly offensive to muslims)
* NASCAR 3000
* Adventures of Chuck Norris
* Star Wars Battlefront 5
* Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge
* Monaco GP 2 with Ayrton Senna
* Lord of the Rings
* Alta Vista's Babelfish: Learn to speak Newspeak in three days or less
* Illogicopedia