Chimecho Categoria:Pokémon de color blau Categoria:Pokémon de tipus psíquic Categoria:Pokémon de grup ou amorf Categoria:Pokémon de pradaCategoria:Pokémon de tercera generació Categoria:Pokémon de forma corporal 4en:Chimecho es:Chimecho Chimecho és un Pokémon tipus psíquic introduït en la tercera generació. A partir de la quarta generació és l'evolució de Chingling.
es:Chimechonl:Chimecho Chimecho (Japanese: チリーン Chiriin) is a Psychic-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III.
Chimecho es un Pokémon tipo psíquico introducido en la tercera generación. A partir de la cuarta generación es la evolución de Chingling.
Chimecho(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Psychic-type Pokémon that evolves from Chingling via happiness during the night.
Season 1-Chimecho evolved from Chingling in Episode 5. Chimecho finished in 22nd place after a misunderstanding when Clefable was drowning and Chimecho was performing CPR on her, Purugly saw that and told everyone that they were kissing. Season 2-Chimecho was the co-host of the aftermath w/ Blissey. this season, the two of them were awfully arrogant. Season 4-Chimecho didn't qualify for TPL so he's a commentator in the aftermath.