| - Not much is currently known about the Ik’Tae home system Isstosseffifil due to it’s co-ordinate loss after the collapse of the 2nd Federation, but some historical records, combined racial histories and myths allow us some understanding of their origins. We do know that the Ik’Tae hail from their birth planet of Asassiff, and that the system contains at least 2 other habitable worlds due to historical colonization of these by the Ik’Tae. The system itself was found somewhere in the mid-rim, most likely in the plane closer to the core, due to their earlier discovery during humanities outward expansion. From these historical reconstructions and intensive biological, anthropological, and psychological study of the Ik’Tae, we can without a doubt claim that they had evolved on an arid, near EarthStandard (ES) gravity world. This world most likely had a rarefied atmosphere offering less protection against stellar radiation bombardment from their own sun, due to the Ik’Tae predisposition for subterranean dwellings, their reliance on environmental heating for core temperature regulation, and a high level of melatonin-analogue chemicals in their skin. No knowledge exists of the native flora and fauna, although inferences can be made due to the Ik’Tae diet and preference for their environmental surroundings (most likely ES desert-analogue flora and fauna of a low amount). The rest of the system, from what we know of it, supported no other life-forms, and no lunar systems, although mention is made of the outermost planet having 3 large asteroids in a lunar-type arrangement. Due to the theorized environmental conditions on Asassiff, we can theorize that the star was a younger star still in the throes of burning off it’s plentiful fuel.