The war against the Lich King (also called the "war against the Scourge" and "battle against the Lich King") is an ongoing war that is played out in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. It started when Varian Wrynn prepared to attack the Scourge, but the Lich King had already made his plans and attacked Stormwind before he could send the offensive, at the same time the Scourge invaded Orgrimmar, and so the war began. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
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| - War against the Lich King
| - The war against the Lich King (also called the "war against the Scourge" and "battle against the Lich King") is an ongoing war that is played out in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. It started when Varian Wrynn prepared to attack the Scourge, but the Lich King had already made his plans and attacked Stormwind before he could send the offensive, at the same time the Scourge invaded Orgrimmar, and so the war began. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- The War Against the Lich King (also called the War Against the Scourge, Battle Against the Lich King ,The Scourge War , and War for Northrend) is an ongoing war that is played out in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. It started when Varian Wrynn prepared to attack the Scourge, but the Lich King had already made his plans and attacked Stormwind before Varian could send his offensive. At the same time the Scourge invaded Orgrimmar, and so the war began.
| - * Scourge
* Vrykul
* Cult of the Damned
- *Ashen Verdict
**Argent Crusade
***Knights of the Silver Hand
***Argent Dawn
**Knights of the Ebon Blade
**7th Legion
**Valiance Expedition
**Silver Covenant
**Explorers' League
**Knights of the Silver Hand
**Kor'kron Guard
**Warsong Offensive
**The Hand of Vengeance
*Wyrmrest Accord
*Kirin Tor
*Other minor scourge-opposition factions
- *Scourge
**Host of Suffering
***Blood Prince Council
**Undead Nerubians
**Blightblood Trolls
***Dragonflayer clan
***Winterskorn clan
**Cult of the Damned
- * Horde
* Alliance
* Wyrmrest Accord
* Kirin Tor
* Argent Crusade
* Knights of the Ebon Blade
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| - Light so far on Scourge, Heavy on vrykul
- Heavy losses at Angrathar the Wrath Gate, Battle for the Undercity, and the Nexus War
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| - War against the Lich King
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| - * The Lich King
* King Ymiron
* Kel'thuzad
- *
***Remains fragments of 's spirit
****Archlich †
- *
- * Warchief Thrall
* Sylvanas Windrunner
* King Varian Wrynn
* Alexstraza
* Rhonin
* Jaina Proudmoore
* Tirion Fordring
* Darion Mograine
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| - Ongoing
- *Alliance, Horde, and Ashen Vedict victory
*Frostmourne shattered, death of Arthas Menethil
*Bolvar Fordragon crowned Lich King, collapse of Scourge leadership
*Deathwing awakening from beneath the group
*The Beginning of the Alliance-Horde War
| - *Horde Expedition
- *Scourge
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| - Northrend, Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms
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| - *Alliance Vanguard
- *Adventurers
*All dragonflights save blue
*Mages from Kirin Tor
| - The war against the Lich King (also called the "war against the Scourge" and "battle against the Lich King") is an ongoing war that is played out in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. It started when Varian Wrynn prepared to attack the Scourge, but the Lich King had already made his plans and attacked Stormwind before he could send the offensive, at the same time the Scourge invaded Orgrimmar, and so the war began. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- The War Against the Lich King (also called the War Against the Scourge, Battle Against the Lich King ,The Scourge War , and War for Northrend) is an ongoing war that is played out in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. It started when Varian Wrynn prepared to attack the Scourge, but the Lich King had already made his plans and attacked Stormwind before Varian could send his offensive. At the same time the Scourge invaded Orgrimmar, and so the war began.
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