A small glob of soft food, such as whipped cream or mashed potatoes. When referring to a liquid, dollop refers to a dash or "splash" of soda water, water and so on.
A small glob of soft food, such as whipped cream or mashed potatoes. When referring to a liquid, dollop refers to a dash or "splash" of soda water, water and so on.
A dollop is a Marzipanian currency that parodies the real world dollar. Its value is that of 100 sments. Dollops are produced as both coin and paper money, however, dollop coins are seen more commonly throughout the show than paper dollops.
A small glob of soft food, such as whipped cream or mashed potatoes. When referring to a liquid, dollop refers to a dash or "splash" of soda water, water and so on.
A dollop is a Marzipanian currency that parodies the real world dollar. Its value is that of 100 sments. Dollops are produced as both coin and paper money, however, dollop coins are seen more commonly throughout the show than paper dollops.