| - Reach of Woe was the name of a coastal community which was a village (sometimes referred to as being a 'town') situated at the top of a sheer, high cliff on an island located somewhere between Darujhistan, Genabackis, and the continent of Lether. At the base of the eroded cliff-face were "jagged spires of black rock, reefs, shoals" and all such things as could easily wreck ships and drown people. Also at the cliff base was a narrow strand of what had once been a white sand beach - above which were weathered steps leading to a cave mouth from which a tunnel rose steeply upwards through the heart of the headland, ending inside a large warehouse in the village. The villagers of 'Reach of Woe' had decided, at some point in the past (perhaps inspired by Gacharge Hadlorn Who Waits, a locally fam
| - Reach of Woe was the name of a coastal community which was a village (sometimes referred to as being a 'town') situated at the top of a sheer, high cliff on an island located somewhere between Darujhistan, Genabackis, and the continent of Lether. At the base of the eroded cliff-face were "jagged spires of black rock, reefs, shoals" and all such things as could easily wreck ships and drown people. Also at the cliff base was a narrow strand of what had once been a white sand beach - above which were weathered steps leading to a cave mouth from which a tunnel rose steeply upwards through the heart of the headland, ending inside a large warehouse in the village. The villagers of 'Reach of Woe' had decided, at some point in the past (perhaps inspired by Gacharge Hadlorn Who Waits, a locally famous personage), to take advantage of the ideal natural "wreckers' coast" that they happened to live on and to become wreckers, rather than to continue trying to fish in the very dangerous waters below the village. "...[Cut] into the cliff face [below 'Reach of Woe' were] ...steps [which] led up to a...tunnel, rising at a steep angle up through the bowels of the promontory, to open out...[into] the village's largest structure, a...warehouse where the wreckers off-loaded their loot after the long haul [up]...from the cliff base. A tidy enterprise...one that gave employment to all the folk of the village - from tending the false fires to rowing the...boats out to the reef, where the stripping down of the wrecks took place, along with clubbing survivors [to make] sure they drowned...[The] days of fishing for a living off the treacherous shoals [had given] way to a far more lucrative venture." ―an account of the inhabitants of 'Reach of Woe' making a 'decent' living as wreckers