| - Other policies for this wiki will be decided by the wiki community. It’s generally best to keep policies as simple as possible, and not to introduce too many rules. A growing wiki can usually do well with a few simple policies and a lot of good will and cooperation. The Habbo Wiki policies are a set of guidelines agreed by the community with which all editors are required to comply. These policies are not meant to be strict, but only to provide a structured order, and a sense of friendliness and democracy to the wiki. For better organization, these policies branch out to more specific and detailed ones, which are located on their own individual pages:
* General policies: includes basic guidelines about topics like vandalism, harassment, and equality.
* Editing/article policies: includes guidelines about editing and writing articles.
* The Style Guide explains how to properly format articles. This includes text formatting, use of templates, and images.
* Deletion policy: explains the process of article deletion on Habbo Wiki.
* Image policies: includes guidelines about uploading and using images. File:Ambox notice.svg Note: Adding [[Category:Policy]] to any policy pages will add them to the policy category, which is found . File:Ambox important.svg Important: Failure to abide to the policies may result in consequences such as warnings and/or blocks.