| - Destruction is cool. Construction requires time, effort, planning, lots of minute stages, coordination... and there are seldom enemies and villains to defeat. The only antagonist is ourselves, our own flaws and laziness and that's not something people like to confront. A straight-up battle that ends with the destruction of evil is more entertaining and dramatic, and less self-accusatory. However, some works manage to portray creation and construction and raising as activities deserving of awe and respect, and the hard work they involve is represented as dignifying rather than demeaning.
| - Destruction is cool. Construction requires time, effort, planning, lots of minute stages, coordination... and there are seldom enemies and villains to defeat. The only antagonist is ourselves, our own flaws and laziness and that's not something people like to confront. A straight-up battle that ends with the destruction of evil is more entertaining and dramatic, and less self-accusatory. However, some works manage to portray creation and construction and raising as activities deserving of awe and respect, and the hard work they involve is represented as dignifying rather than demeaning. There are various ways this can be shown, usually through;
* Architecture.
* Gaias Revenge and other Green phenomena.
* Geological formations.
* Industry, Labor, and Craftsmanship. More awesome if robots are involved. It's what they've been invented for.
* Weapon Construction: A special sort of example: the construction of tools of destruction takes some of its awe from the use the creation is intended for.
* Creating Life and Building Systems.
* ... Or something that defies classification altogether. Occasional parodied with people building much faster than physical possible or lacking organisation having Hilarity Ensues. Related to Creation Sequence, Hard Work Montage, A-Team Montage, and maybe a Forging Scene. Also, apparently, Building Is Welding, because it's showy, flashy, and manly. Examples of Construction Is Awesome include: