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- Leonardo da Vinci is the ninteenth installment to the Research Guides collection.
- Leonardo urodził się 15 kwietnia 1452 roku we Florencji, jako nieślubny syn Piero da Vinciego oraz chłopki Cateriny. Większość swojego dzieciństwa spędził w pobliskiej wsi, w Toskanii, by oszczędzić rodzinie skandalu.Jednak jego rodzice byli zaznajomieni z talentem malarskim chłopca, więc gdy ten powrócił do Florencji w wieku lat czternastu, wtedy zaczął terminować w pracowni znanego malarza Andrea del Verrochia i pomagał mu, gdy ten malował swój najbardziej rozpoznawalny obraz Chrzest Chrystusa.
- Leonardo da Vinci estis fama italia nerdo. Iuj pensis, ke li inventis la unuan nifo-detektilon, sed fakte li ŝtelis la ideon el Konfuceo. Sed li ja inventis la pugbatmaŝinon. Lia malkovraĵoj ne estis vaste agnoskigita dum lia vivo, ĉar li skribis malantaŭen en Interlingvao. Leonardo estis ankaŭ la unusola pentristo, por kiu Mona Lisa pozis malnuda. La funkcion de erekto (kaj ties kontakton al la sangofluo) komprenis plej frue Leonardo da Vinci. Ne konfuzu kun Karulo da Vino.
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, better known as Leonardo da Vinci or simply Leonardo, was a polymath whose areas of expertise spanned many forms of art and science. In the TMNT franchise he is best known for being the eponym of the Turtle Leonardo. His painting known as the Mona Lisa was the eponym for the character of that name..
- Leonardo Da Vinci (15. april 1452 - 2. mai 1519) var et italiensk multitalent som levde under rennesansen. Det er mulig at Da Vinci er det største multitalentet som noen sinne har levd, han hadde en rekke interessefelter alt fra maling, skulptur, arkitektur, musikk, vitenskap, matematikk, ingeniørarbeid, oppfinnelser, anatomi, geologi, kartografi, botanikk og skriving. Han regnes for å være en av de største kustnerne noen sinne. Et av Da Vincis mest berømte verk er Mona Lisa, det henger en kopi av dette portrettet ved Galtvort høyere skole for hekseri og trolldom.
- His genius perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Many of his artwork had appeared in many Disney movies and television shows. For example, the Mona Lisa appears in Timon & Pumbaa, the Aladdin series, the Gummi Bears, Quack Pack, Flubber, and 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure and "The Last Supper" in the American Dragon: Jake Long episode "A Befuddled Mind". He even appeared in It's Tough to Be a Bird for studying how birds fly for his works.
- thumb|300px|Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da Vinci (*15. April 1452, †2. Mai 1519) war ein italienischer Bildhauer, Maler, Architekt, Ingenieur und Naturphilosoph, der als einer der einflussreichsten Vertreter der italienischen Renaissance bezeichnet wird.
- Leonardo da Vinci was employed by T.G.B.W. Cribbling to help forge his own masterpieces to sell in future centuries.
- Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Leonardo da Vinci Uniwersum: 616 Klasa: człowiek Narodowość: Włoch Debiut: T.A.R.C.Z.A #1 Powiązania z grupami: T.A.R.C.Z.A
- Leonardo da Vinci is a famous Italian polymath.
- Leonardo da Vinci ist ein Maler, Bildhauer, Zeichner, Baumeister und Naturforscher aus Italien. Er ist der uneheliche Sohn des florentinischen Stadtregenten Ser Piero und eines Bauernmädchens. 1466 zieht er mit seinem Vater nach Florenz. Dort wird er bei Verrocchio ausgebildet.
- Leonardo da Vinci byl renesanční všeznalec, megaloman a domácí kutil. Byl kreslířem, malířem, sochařem, architektem, přírodovědecem, sýrařem, hudebníkem, spisovatelem, vynálezcem, technickým konstruktérem a krasobruslařem. Vepsal se do dějin hlavně díky vynálezu první předpotopní šaliny, lehčítka a dřevěného tanku na parní pohon. Co se týče šaliny, jeho vynález měl drobnou nevýhodu, že tehdy nikdo neznal elektřinu. Ani Leonardův tank nebyl použitelný, protože nikdo ze současníků na něj neměl řidičský průkaz. Během svého života vytvořil Leonardo da Vinci také spousty zajímavých kresbiček, které dodnes lidé obdivují po celém světě.
- Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian painter, inventor and scientist of the Italian Renaissance.
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (n. 15 aprilie 1452, Vinci - d. 2 mai 1519, Amboise), cunoscut sub numele de Leonardo da Vinci, a fost cel mai de seamă reprezentant al Renașterii italiene din perioada de apogeu a acesteia.. Spirit universalist: pictor, sculptor, arhitect, muzician, inginer, inventator, anatomist, geolog, cartograf, botanist și scriitor, Leonardo da Vinci este considerat adesea cel mai de seamă geniu din întreaga istorie a omenirii.
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (b. April 15, 1452-d. 3010) was an alien from planet Vinci, posing as an Italian artist, inventor, and scientist.
- Leonardo da Vinci was an outstanding . Among his talents were invention and engineering, and he drew plans for a glider that were regrettably unable to be followed because of inadequate technology during his lifetime. See also: Leonardo's Workshop and great person
- Leonardo da Vinci was an influential artist, inventor and architect with a wide range of interests in scultpure, anatomy, music, astronomy, writing and philosophy. He documented his researches in notebooks written in Latin mirror writing such as the Codex Atlanticus.
- Dialogue >> Leonardo da Vinci was an multi-skilled artist and architect who created iconic paintings such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. In Poptropica, he appears two times as a character.
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (, Eastermonþ 15, 1452 – Þrimilcemonþ 2, 1519) was an italisce Polyhistor, Wittenscipler, Mathematiker, Engineur, Afinder, Anatomist, Mœter, Grafer, Kræftige, Botaniker, Dreamer, and Wreiter.
- Leonardo da Vinci ist der beste Freund von Ezio Auditore und weiterhin auch ein guter Freund von Maria Auditore, die ihn engagierte, einige Bilder zu malen.
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an anatomist, sculptor, cartographer, painter, botanist, engineer, architect, and mathematician of the Renaissance. He is widely regarded by scholars, engineers, and artists around the world to be one of the greatest minds in history. Leonardo played an important role in the struggle between the Assassins and Templars, which raged across his homeland throughout his lifetime, all the while remaining a close friend and ally to the Florentine Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze.
- ...er en mann som malte og tegna. Har en tendens til å lage feite folk. Søk på "mona lisa fat" på Google Bilder. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
- Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Italian artist. He was born on April 15, 1452 and died on May 2, 1519. Although he is best known for his artwork, he is also very well-known as a scientist, inventor and mathematician.
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born in Vinci, Florence in 1452. The son of simple parents, Leonardo became a genius scientist and artist. Because of his polymath like interests he is often portrayed in science fiction as having knowledge and foresight well beyond that of his era.
- Leonardo da Vinci (czasami także jako Leonardo da Vinci - pasjonujące życie geniusza) - włoski film biograficzny Leonarda da Vinci wyreżyserowany przez Renato Castellaniego. Film ukazał się wraz z Wielką Historią Świata wydawnictwa Oxford Educational w dwóch płytach.
- Leonardo da Vinci (15 april 1452 - 2 maio 1519) ia nase en Firenze en Italia. El ia es un depintor italian, scultor, construidor, inventor e injenior. La pitores la plu famos de Leonardo inclui La Come de la Sera Ultima e la Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci ia developa un moda nova de depinti. Artistes contemporer ia usa a multe veses un fondo blanca per depinti pitores. Aora, el ia usa un fondo oscura. Esta ta produi un resulta tre-dimensional en la ojeto xef.
- Leonardo da Vinci (15 April, 1452—2 May, 1519) was an Italian polymath who lived during the Renaissance era. He was a contemporary of Paracelsus and Copernicus. Da Vinci is perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived, with interests and pursuits ranging from painting, sculpting, architecture, music, science, mathematics, engineering, invention, anatomy, geology, cartography, botany and writing. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time. One of his most famous works is his Portrait of Mona Lisa, a copy of which hung at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
- In "The Big Bang Theory", Bertram attempts to erase Stewie Griffin's existence by successfully killing Leonardo da Vinci. Stewie is descended from Da Vinci on Lois's side of the family as only Peter's DNA would affect Bertram's own existence after Peter's vasectomy in "Sibling Rivalry". The DVD commentary confirms this although the episode animatic expands that Da Vinci specifically must be killed to eliminate Stewie's intellect from being passed on to another potential future mate of Peter. Da Vinci was voiced by Seth MacFarlane.
- Don Leonardo da Vinci is the Boss of the Vinci Family and is one of the most drug addicted folks in New York City even more than the Marina Family. After the family's victory in the Vinci-Falcone War, he became the most powerful youngest Legend in the city.
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, nazývaný Leonardo da Vinci (východniarsky Leonardo? Ta, Vinči), v encyklopédiách často ako Vinci Leonardo da (* 15. apríl 1452 – † 2. máj 1519) bol taliansky renesančný architekt, prírodovedec, anatóm, vynálezca, konštruktér, spisovateľ, hudobník, sochár, maliar natierač. Ako vidíme, Járovi da Cimrmanovi sa teda celkom nevyrovnal, ale napriek tomu bol pomerne všestrannou osobnosťou, ktorej len nemnohí z nás môžu konkurovať.
- Leonardo Da Vinci - światowej sławy malarz, który mieszka w słynnym Domie Leonarda Da Vinci. Wystąpił on w grze RiWC.
- Leonardo da Vinci is a supporting protagonist in Mr. Peabody & Sherman.
- Leonard Vince, better known as Leonardo da Vinci by his homies in da 'hood, was a writer, artist, and beloved mascot of his local soccer team who lived during the Late Middle Early Modern Post-Renaissance Medieval period in the unnamed space between France and Switzerland where nobody else wanted to live. He is most often ignored for his contributions to Illogicopedia and the shoe-making industry, because he was involved in neither.
- Leonardo da Vinci, born in the red state of Italy and a Republican in his own right, has oft times been compared to the great Stephen Colbert. Both are visionaries before their time, both artists known for their iconic work (da Vinci: Sistine Chapel (Michaelangelo), Colbert: American Flag), and both deathly afraid of bears. Both were extremely straight hetero males, yet both acknowledged the homosexy nature of the men of their times was disturbingly growing trend.
- Leonardo da Vinci - słynny malarz, technik, anatom, muzyk, biolog, ekolog, zoolog, matematyk i fizyk, w skrócie chodząca Wikipedia XV wieku. Mieszkaniec Włoch, gdzie marnował masę papieru, myśląc iż rysunki rowerów, samolotów oraz czołgów kogoś zainteresują. Najprawdopodobniej chciał dla szpanu pokazać, iż w XIX wieku tylko kradliśmy pomysły. Ewentualnie wynalazł wehikuł czasu, by ukraść wszelkie informacje na temat nauki i techniki, by je spisać. Weganin. O dziwo brzydził się seksem, od kiedy za to poszedł do inkwizycji (oskarżony niesłużenie o homoseksualizm). Przez przypadek odkrył coś ciekawego, co opisał Dan Brown w książce Kod da Vinci. W szkole nauczył się tylko malowania dzięki Adreo Veroccio (tzw. ukochany mistrz).
- Leonardo Da Vinci is the most controversial guy named Leonardo. Recent cultists have accused him of created a secret mystery code, Da Vinci Code, in which they claim Jesus is polygametic and Saturday Night Live is not a Chinese government conspiracy, but actually an old group of Iraqi terrorists who were taken in by Bush Senior. Leonardo, in his youth, was a powerful green pizza eating ninja machine. He fought in the once alligator filled sewers of New York City. He weilds 2 katanas. His primary enemies are the Shredder and some dinosaur guys from space.
- Leonardo da Vinci (1976-2012) was a sculptor, painter, artist, football player, tennis player, soccer ball player, stripper, plumber, Family Guy character, Christian atheist, faggot, Chinese black guy, originally named Franceen, a prisoner, thought to be Johnny Depp, someone who hated broccoli, a skateboarder, someone who was in love with his bike, Jewish, German, and a Hitler-hater. But he SUCKED.
- thumb|147px|Masz waść brzytwę? [[Plik:Leonardo2.jpg|thumb|147px|Człowiek witruwiański – chluba Leonarda]] thumb|147px|Słynne dzieło Leonarda – „Dama z pingwinkiem” thumb|147px|Dama z Koziczką Leonardo da Vinci (ur. 15 kwietnia 1452 w w Toskanii, zm. 2 maja 1519 w Clos Lucé) – włoski filozof, pochodzący z XV wieku, artysta.
- Leonardo da Vinci was a Human scientist and artist in Florence, a city in northern Italy on Earth. Flint the immortal claimed that Leonardo was one of his identities. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah" ) Living in the 15th and 16th centuries, he was considered a Renaissance man. Vasari thought he was an angel, but Freud thought he had a problem with his mother. His works included such paintings as "The Last Supper" and the "Mona Lisa". According to Captain Janeway James T. Kirk claimed to have met da Vinci, although the evidence was less than conclusive. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
- Leonardo da Vinci, the famous artist, inventor and scientist, featured as a character in the film Quest of the Delta Knights (episode 913), played by actor David Kriegel. He was a young, struggling artist who became inspired by his discoveries in the cave of Archimedes at the end of the film.
- Quanto al resto, fu sicuramente un grande inventore, pittore, scienziato e artista, ma è ricordato soprattutto per essere stato l'uomo con la barba più lunga del mondo. Ebbe una vita ricca ed interessante, poté viaggiare per l'Europa, conòscere gènte e imparare le segrete tecniche della Sacra Scuola di Hokuto, che fece di lui un vero ninja. Altro che Naruto. La passione per le tartarughe non lo abbandonerà mai, tanto che insieme a Donatello, Michelangelo e Raffaello formerà una nota boy-band, le "Tartarughe Quattro", destinata a cambiare il destino dei cartoni d'animazione occidentale.
- Leonardo is beroemd foanweege skilderwierke as de Mona Lisa (uuk La Gioconda), da sig nuu in 't Parieske Louvremuseum befiend un de muurskildereng foan 't Leest Æwndmoal (Ultima Cena af Cenacolo, Milloan). Dit twæn wierk gung, foanweege 'n experimenteel freskotegniek die hie 'eid bruukt, al in sin oaën tied haard ätteruut. In de Abdie foan Tongerloo is 'n jetroewe kopie ap linne foan Da Vinci's Leest Æwndmoal in perfekt stoat bewærd jebleewe, weerfoan wæd oanjenoome dät de meester self 't hauft foan Jezus un foan Johannes 'ei skilderd.
- Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, and is widely considered, not only to be one of the greatest painters of all time, but perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.
- [Fuente]> «Paracelso (1493-1541): contemporáneo de Copérnico y Leonardo Da Vinci un genio médico cuyas teorías audaces cambiaron el pensamiento medieval, se le atribuye el descubrimiento de la lengua pársel...» —Cromo de Rana de Chocolate de Paracelso. Leonardo da Vinci (15 abril 1452-2 mayo 1519) fue un gran pensador italiano que vivió durante la época del Renacimiento. Él era un contemporáneo de Paracelso y Copérnico.
- Leonardo da Vinci wurde am 15 April 1452 geboren. Er war ein Multitalent: Er war z.B. Bildhauer, Architekt, Musiker usw... Er war ein sehr begabter Italienischer Erfinder. Den größten Teil seiner Jugend verbrachte Leonardo Da Vinci in Florenz bei seinem Vater. Nach einiger Zeit merkte sein Vater dass Leonardo ein sehr begabter Junge sei und nahm ihn in seine Werkstadt auf. Verrocchio brachte Leonardo groß raus weil er in Florenz der damalige beste Bildhauer war und ausserdem war er auch noch Goldschmied und Maler. Leonardo wurde immer als ein sehr freundlicher und offener Mensch bezeichnet. Jedoch war er auch ein Mernsch der sehr oft allein war und auch Bilder malte die mit der Einsamkeit zu tun hatten. Er wollt nicht wie andere Künstler sein. Er war mit allem zufrieden aber am meisten mit
- Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian Renaissance polymath: an architect, anatomist, sculptor, engineer, inventor, geometer, musician, and painter. He has been described as the archetype of the "Renaissance man" and as a universal genius, a man infinitely curious and infinitely inventive. He is considered one of the greatest painters who ever lived.
- thumb|Das Hologramm von Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) ist ein bekannter Künstler und Wissenschaftler der Erde. Er lebt in Italien im Zeitalter der Renaissance und ist zu seiner Zeit ein Universalgenie, da er sich nicht nur der Kunst, sondern auch vor allem der Wissenschaft mit seinem ganzen Leben verschrieben hat.Viele von Leonardos „Erfindungen“ realisiert er nie selbst, sondern konzipiert sie nur. Die erste Flugmaschine der Erde wird ihm zugeschrieben. Aufgrund seiner Forschungen in menschlicher Anatomie lebt er allerdings in ständiger Angst vor der mächtigen Kirche.
- Leonardo "da Man" da Vinci, April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, flamboyant homosexual, botanist, musician, writer of Sherlock Holmes, grandfather, Darwin's secret twin, NFL quarterback and general know-it-all. He was also known as the ideal Renaissance Blonde.
- __INDEX__ Leonardo da Vinci (aussprachlich ˌleoˈnardo da ˈvintʃi; * 15. April 1452 in Anchiano bei Vinci; † 2. Mai 1519 auf Schloss Clos Lucé, Amboise; eigentlich Leonardo di ser Piero, toskanisch Lionardo) war ein italienischer Maler, Bildhauer, Architekt, Anatom, Mechaniker, Ingenieur und Naturphilosoph. Er gilt als der berühmteste Universalgelehrte aller Zeiten.
- Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. He has been referenced multiple times in the series:
- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci,(April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian polymath, being a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention.[1] He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. Helen Gardner says "The scope and depth of his interests were without precedent...His mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote".
- Circa 1492, Leonardo and his then-patron the Duke of Milan were among the guests invited to the masque organised by the young Duke Giuliano of San Martino. Being caught up in the Mandragora Helix's attempt to conquer 15th century Earth, the Fourth Doctor missed this opportunity to meet Leonardo, later noting it was probably for the best. (TV: The Masque of Mandragora) In 1516, Leonardo was forced to sell the Mona Lisa to King Francis, an action which the Ninth Doctor claimed "broke his heart". (COMIC: Art Attack)