| - Elom was a partial-sim owned by Warpdone Vale and built by RR Almodovar. It was host to the Sith Triumvirate group and therefore birthplace of the later - and more significant - Sith Empire of Vjun.
- The Elom are a short, heavy race of shaggy humanoids native to the underground caverns of the planet Elom. Their fur is oily and thick, and their skin is tough enough to withstand the sharp rocks and stones of their habitat. Their fingers and toes end in hooked claws that are used to grasp and dig. Their eyes are set on stubby stalks on either side of their heads, and their mouths are punctuated by two short tusks. They are peaceful herbivores which evolved on the surface of Elom, but moved underground to search out roots and tubers when the water levels of their planet dropped.
- Elom is home to Eloms and the Elomin. For centuries, the two species lived unknown to one another, with Eloms living deep underground to access the planet's natural springs, and the Elomin living a technologically advanced life on the surface. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- The Elom were a sentient species who lived in frozen grottos. They were short and stocky, and were covered in thick, oily fur. They had two tusks covering the opening of their mouth and small, black eyes located on the far ends of their wide faces. In 4 ABY, an Elom named Tanus Spijek was present in Jabba's Palace on Tatooine.
- The Galactic Republic first made contact with the Elomin in 132 BBY but with the Eloms only in 50 BBY. Some scientists hypothesized that the Elomin were descended from a lost Zabrak colony. Upon the world's discovery, the Galactic Senate hailed it as a significant find, due to its large deposits of Lommite. Lommite was mined on Elom for use in transparisteel, and was the cause of the first interaction between the Elom and the Elomin. The planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Rennimdius B'thog Indriummsegh.
- Eloms were short, stocky, bipedal sentients, with a thick pelt of oily, dark fur, native to the frigid and mineral-rich desert planet of Elom, located in the Borderland Regions. The primitive species had extremely tough skin, several layers of fat, and their hands and feet were coated by thick calluses.
- Elomové byl malý, podsaditý druh s hustou, tmavou, mastnou srstí, která byla typická pro mrazivé a minerálně bohaté prostředí na planetě Elom. Měli extrémně tvrdou kůží, pod kterou se nachází několik vrstev tuku. Jejich ruce a nohy byly pokryty hustými mozoly.