Prophet's Landing is an inhabited Bajoran planet that was colonized by Bajor prior to 2318. In the 2370s, it was the closest colony to Cardassian space. In 2318, Minister Jas Holza expressed interest in the Cardassian proposal for the Bajorans to be given technology to increase the speed of their starships, remarking that it would bring Prophet's Landing much closer to Bajor and be a benefit to its inhabitants. (DS9 novel: Day of the Vipers)
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- Prophet's landing
- Prophet's Landing
| - Prophet's Landing ist die dem cardassianischem Raum am nächsten gelegene bajoranische Kolonie. Im Jahr 2371 helfen Major Kira Nerys und Odo, die Sicherheitseinrichtungen der Kolonie auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. Zur Früherkennung von Gefahren werden eine Reihe von Orbitalsensorplattformen installiert. Zu dieser Zeit ist Avesta der Gouverneur der Kolonie und Bemar ihr Sicherheitschef. (DS9: ) Laut dem Roman "Day of the Vipers" aus der "The Lost Era"-Reihe erfolgt die Gründung der Kolonie 2318, also noch vor der Besetzung Bajors.
- Prophet's Landing is an inhabited Bajoran planet that was colonized by Bajor prior to 2318. In the 2370s, it was the closest colony to Cardassian space. In 2318, Minister Jas Holza expressed interest in the Cardassian proposal for the Bajorans to be given technology to increase the speed of their starships, remarking that it would bring Prophet's Landing much closer to Bajor and be a benefit to its inhabitants. (DS9 novel: Day of the Vipers)
- Prophet's Landing was the closest Bajoran colony to the Cardassian border. In 2371, Major Kira Nerys and Constable Odo traveled to Prophet's Landing aboard a runabout to review the colony's security procedures. A number of orbital sensor platforms had been placed above the planet to give advance warning in case of Cardassian attack. At the time, the colony's governor was Avesta and its security chief was Bemar.
- In 2371 gingen majoor Kira Nerys en constable Odo aan boord van een runabout naar de kolonie om de beveiligingsprocedures door te nemen. Er waren een aantal sensor platformen om de planeet geplaatst om een waarschuwing te geven als de Cardassians aan zouden vallen. In deze tijd was Avesta de gouverneur van de kolonie en was Bemar de hoofdbeveiliging.
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| - Prophet's Landing is an inhabited Bajoran planet that was colonized by Bajor prior to 2318. In the 2370s, it was the closest colony to Cardassian space. In 2318, Minister Jas Holza expressed interest in the Cardassian proposal for the Bajorans to be given technology to increase the speed of their starships, remarking that it would bring Prophet's Landing much closer to Bajor and be a benefit to its inhabitants. (DS9 novel: Day of the Vipers) In 2371, Kira Nerys and Odo travelled there in the USS Mekong to review Prophet's Landing's security procedures, in case the Cardassian Union should renege on their recently signed treaty and attack. While they were there, several orbital sensor platforms were installed. (DS9 episode: "Heart of Stone") In 2376, Colonel Enand Adassa was the commander of the Militia forces on Prophet's Landing. He was likely to be replaced in his post in that year, as he was soon to join Starfleet. (DS9 novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens)
- Prophet's Landing was the closest Bajoran colony to the Cardassian border. In 2371, Major Kira Nerys and Constable Odo traveled to Prophet's Landing aboard a runabout to review the colony's security procedures. A number of orbital sensor platforms had been placed above the planet to give advance warning in case of Cardassian attack. At the time, the colony's governor was Avesta and its security chief was Bemar. During their visit, Governor Avesta invited them to dinner at his house, but Kira politely declined on their behalf. On the way back Odo voiced his concern that she made the decision without consulting him, even though he himself had no particular desire to accept the invitation. (DS9: "Heart of Stone") This colony was only mentioned in dialogue. According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), Prophet's Landing was located in the Alpha Quadrant. This colony orbited a F-class star.
- Prophet's Landing ist die dem cardassianischem Raum am nächsten gelegene bajoranische Kolonie. Im Jahr 2371 helfen Major Kira Nerys und Odo, die Sicherheitseinrichtungen der Kolonie auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. Zur Früherkennung von Gefahren werden eine Reihe von Orbitalsensorplattformen installiert. Zu dieser Zeit ist Avesta der Gouverneur der Kolonie und Bemar ihr Sicherheitschef. (DS9: ) Laut dem Roman "Day of the Vipers" aus der "The Lost Era"-Reihe erfolgt die Gründung der Kolonie 2318, also noch vor der Besetzung Bajors.
- In 2371 gingen majoor Kira Nerys en constable Odo aan boord van een runabout naar de kolonie om de beveiligingsprocedures door te nemen. Er waren een aantal sensor platformen om de planeet geplaatst om een waarschuwing te geven als de Cardassians aan zouden vallen. In deze tijd was Avesta de gouverneur van de kolonie en was Bemar de hoofdbeveiliging. Tijdens hun bezoek nodigde gouverneur Avesta hen uit om bij hem thuis te komen eten, maar Kira bedankte hier beleefd voor. Odo vond het vervelend dat ze niet eerst aan hem had gevraagd of hij wilde komen eten. Hij wilde eigenlijk ook niet gaan eten (hij kan niet eens eten), maar het ging hem om het principe. (DS9: "Heart of Stone")
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