Attributes | Values |
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| - Memory Alteration was an Ee mental power, and part of the mental skills category. This skill allowed Ee to rearrange the mental pattern of a target to change their memories. Ee used the skill on visitors to Trilos so that their tales of the planet would be outlandish so as to deter official scrutiny from the Galactic Empire.
- Caradog can use this ability to remove any memories, extensively and precisely, and to replace them with any false memories. These memories can be decades old, or completely new, and are extremely specific. He used the ability to remove all trace of his youngest daughter, and of the parentage and adoption of his son and youngest grandchild. The memory alteration was never discovered telepathically. The only person whose memories he did not alter was himself, but it is unknown if this was due to his choice or if doing so would have been impossible.
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ability to
| - remove memories and plant false ones in their place
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| - Caradog Shaun
Future Jessica Petrelli
Peter Petrelli World 8
Robert Max
Caden Riley
Unnamed Vampire
Jason Cunningham
Barnaby Herriford
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| - Memory Alteration was an Ee mental power, and part of the mental skills category. This skill allowed Ee to rearrange the mental pattern of a target to change their memories. Ee used the skill on visitors to Trilos so that their tales of the planet would be outlandish so as to deter official scrutiny from the Galactic Empire.
- Caradog can use this ability to remove any memories, extensively and precisely, and to replace them with any false memories. These memories can be decades old, or completely new, and are extremely specific. He used the ability to remove all trace of his youngest daughter, and of the parentage and adoption of his son and youngest grandchild. The memory alteration was never discovered telepathically. The only person whose memories he did not alter was himself, but it is unknown if this was due to his choice or if doing so would have been impossible.