| - Jotaro is introduced as a rough delinquent, but he has a gentle heart, and is loyal to those he likes. He is highly perceptive, intelligent and quick-witted while keeping a perpetually cool, slightly neutral or disinterested attitude. Jotaro's most noticeable trait is his seemingly aloof nature. He is a quiet individual, often satisfied with expressing himself in short phrases. His bio explains that he thinks anyone can tell his emotions just by looking at him, and probably thinks further effort in portraying how he feels to be a waste of time, making others tend to perceive Jotaro as callous.
| - Jotaro is introduced as a rough delinquent, but he has a gentle heart, and is loyal to those he likes. He is highly perceptive, intelligent and quick-witted while keeping a perpetually cool, slightly neutral or disinterested attitude. Jotaro's most noticeable trait is his seemingly aloof nature. He is a quiet individual, often satisfied with expressing himself in short phrases. His bio explains that he thinks anyone can tell his emotions just by looking at him, and probably thinks further effort in portraying how he feels to be a waste of time, making others tend to perceive Jotaro as callous. Jotaro is both fierce and gentle, showing these traits in various scenes, from the fight with N'Doul, to the encounter with the D'Arbys. One shining example is how he spared Noriaki Kakyoin instead of killing him outright - even putting his own life on the line just to save the young man from DIO's deadly slavery. Despite not being overt about displaying it, Jotaro loves his mother and respects his grandfather Joseph. Jotaro's impetus for going to Egypt is Holy's life being put in danger by DIO's Stand, and he flew into an uncharacteristic rage when the vampire desecrated the corpse of his grandfather, before apologizing to Joseph's spirit (who had previously warned Jotaro not to succumb to anger). During his journey to Egypt, Jotaro has attached himself to his companions, and through several small gestures expressed his friendship toward them, culminating with a hug with a departing Polnareff. Signs of him loosening up were also shown where he occasionally (but not often) smiles, such as when the group make fun of ZZ, and at one point he even laughs alongside Kakyoin and Polnareff upon discovering the Sun's weakness in episode 18. Jotaro doesn't tolerate when one hurts women or children in a fight, even if they are evil, and will be especially violent toward the perpetrator, as seen against Steely Dan, whom he pummeled the most severely. Jotaro is still prone to violence, and doesn't hesitate from severely hurting his enemies, even if they are women. Jotaro is an extremely cool individual, able to keep his composure in even the direst situations. The best example of his coolness would be against Daniel J. D'Arby, playing a dangerous game of poker during which he successfully bluffs the expert poker player into folding even if he didn't know what cards he had and wagered the souls of every companion and ally involved. Still, he is still mildly anxious when something unanticipated happens, but almost never goes as far as to lose his cool. Moreover, Jotaro is blunt and foul-mouthed, having no problem being insolent toward his mother or any authority figure. The teenager favors witty one-liners, often ridiculing whoever is the target of his quips and offering absurd reasons for his feats, notably defeating DIO because he pissed him off. Whether Jotaro does take himself seriously or is just having fun when using his one-liners is left unanswered. Jotaro is interested in a large range of subjects, such as sumo or the TV series Columbo, from which he claims to have acquired his deductive skills. Several hobbies indicate that he has an intellectual side, which would result in him becoming a marine biologist. Jotaro is annoyed by the numerous adoring girls chasing him (both at his school and throughout his journey), whom he ignores or rudely drives away; particularly when they begin to fuss or bicker. However, he is hinted to have a soft spot (or is at least more tolerant) of children. When Anne accompanies them on his journey, he never yells at her and even protects her from enemy Stand Users, and also watches over her in a similar fashion to an older brother. When he takes an ice pop from a young boy, he tells the boy that he will buy him a new one. Another interesting personality quirk of his seems to be an attachment to his clothing. when the female nurse at his school suggested cutting off parts of his pants, he refused. When his clothes were ripped from his fight with ZZ, he went so far as to pay for a uniform exactly like the one he had. When he first trades blows with DIO, he specifically points out how the fight tore a hole in his pants. He also has an attachment to his hat. This implies he is either stingy or has a particular sense of fashion; the fact that he pointed out the price of his pants after DIO tore a hole in it seems to imply the former.