Silent Hunter, often abbreviated as SH, is a series of World War II submarine warfare simulation games developed by Aeon Electronic Entertainment (Silent Hunter and Silent Hunter II), Ultimation Inc. (Silent Hunter II) and Ubisoft Romania (Silent Hunter III, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific and Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic) and published by Strategic Simulations (Silent Hunter) and Ubisoft (Silent Hunter II, Silent Hunter III, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific, Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic).
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| - Silent Hunter, often abbreviated as SH, is a series of World War II submarine warfare simulation games developed by Aeon Electronic Entertainment (Silent Hunter and Silent Hunter II), Ultimation Inc. (Silent Hunter II) and Ubisoft Romania (Silent Hunter III, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific and Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic) and published by Strategic Simulations (Silent Hunter) and Ubisoft (Silent Hunter II, Silent Hunter III, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific, Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic).
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| - Silent Hunter, often abbreviated as SH, is a series of World War II submarine warfare simulation games developed by Aeon Electronic Entertainment (Silent Hunter and Silent Hunter II), Ultimation Inc. (Silent Hunter II) and Ubisoft Romania (Silent Hunter III, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific and Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic) and published by Strategic Simulations (Silent Hunter) and Ubisoft (Silent Hunter II, Silent Hunter III, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific, Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic).