| - Malcolm Merlyn is a wealthy businessman, the CEO of Merlyn Global Group, a prominent figure in Starling City, and an acquaintance of the Queen family, as well as the first season's main antagonist. He is also the husband of the late Rebecca Merlyn, the father of the late Tommy Merlyn and Thea Queen, the former best friend of the late Robert Queen, and a former friend and lover of the late Moira Queen.
- Malcolm Merlyn (born c. 1966 as Arthur King) is the husband of the late Rebecca Merlyn and the father of Thea Queen, Saracon, and the late Tommy Merlyn. Malcolm is a formerly wealthy and successful businessman CEO of Merlyn Global Group, and was a prominent figure in Starling City. Fueled by the death of his wife during a mugging in the crime-infested area of "The Glades", he went to Nanda Parbat and was trained by the League of Assassins, taking the name Al Sa-Her (Arabic: الساحر; for The Magician). After he left the group and returned to his city, Malcolm secretly plotted "the Undertaking"; when The Hood began to intervene in his plot, he donned his league uniform and became the Dark Archer, managing to defeat the Hood twice in combat. He eventually succeeded in his plan, though only par
- __FORCETOC__ Malcolm Merlyn (urodzony w 1960 roku) – były dyrektor naczelny Merlyn Global, członek Tempest i wielki biznesmen. Ojciec Tommy'ego Merlyna i Thei Queen, mąż Rebekki Merlyn oraz kochanek Moiry Queen. Po śmierci partnerki dołączył do ligi zabójców, przyjmując imię Al Sa-Her (ساحر – Magik), znany także jako Czarny Łucznik.