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Trelane was a powerful alien first encountered by the crew of the USS Enterprise in 2267. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos") It was later revealed that Trelane was actually a member of the Q Continuum. (TNG novel: Q-Squared) He also served in Starfleet as Chief engineer aboard the USS Kitana during a time-displaced punishment. (Earth Spacedock)

  • Trelane
  • Trelane
  • Trelane
  • Trelane
  • thumb|Trelane (2267) Trelane ist ein Angehöriger einer omnipotenten körperlosen Spezies.
  • Trelane était un alien omnipotent.
  • Trelane was a powerful alien first encountered by the crew of the USS Enterprise in 2267. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos") It was later revealed that Trelane was actually a member of the Q Continuum. (TNG novel: Q-Squared) He also served in Starfleet as Chief engineer aboard the USS Kitana during a time-displaced punishment. (Earth Spacedock)
  • Trelane first transported Sulu, and then Kirk, from the bridge of the starship to the fortified manor he had constructed on Gothos. The Enterprise assumed orbit and sent a landing party of DeSalle, Jaeger, and McCoy into what they expected would be hostile conditions. Instead, they encountered an Earth-like oasis. There, the landing party discovered Trelane's home, and within it, the two missing officers – and Trelane himself.
  • Trelane was a member of the Q Continuum who the crew of the USS Enterprise encountered in 2267. Trelane harassed the crew of the Enterprise before he was found by his parents and taken home. At the time Trelane was fascinated with 18th century French culture. (TOS episode & Star Trek 11 novelization: The Squire of Gothos) Trelane also subjected Kirk to a hallucination of the Enterprise crew (in particular Spock) into trying to kill Kirk in an attempt to appease Trelane's threats. Trelane chastised Kirk for thinking Kirk was the only one to have aged in the years since their last encounter.
  • Trelane trasportò Sulu e Kirk dal ponte della nave stellare al suo maniero fortificato che aveva costruito su Gothos. L' Enterprise entrò in orbita e inviò una squadra di sbarco ad investigare in quello che si aspettavano essere un ambiente inospitale, invece essi trovarono un'oasi con condizioni climatiche tipicamente terrestri con un castello gotico dove all'interno vi erano i due ufficiali scomparsi e Trelane stesso.
  • 2267(xsd:integer)
  • Trelane, the Squire of Gothos
  • wikipedia
  • Punished
  • Trelane
  • Trelane in 2267.
Character Name
  • Trelane
  • no
  • gray
  • Trelane.jpg
  • "Squire of Gothos"
  • no
  • Male
  • male
  • thumb|Trelane (2267) Trelane ist ein Angehöriger einer omnipotenten körperlosen Spezies.
  • Trelane était un alien omnipotent.
  • Trelane was a powerful alien first encountered by the crew of the USS Enterprise in 2267. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos") It was later revealed that Trelane was actually a member of the Q Continuum. (TNG novel: Q-Squared) He also served in Starfleet as Chief engineer aboard the USS Kitana during a time-displaced punishment. (Earth Spacedock)
  • Trelane first transported Sulu, and then Kirk, from the bridge of the starship to the fortified manor he had constructed on Gothos. The Enterprise assumed orbit and sent a landing party of DeSalle, Jaeger, and McCoy into what they expected would be hostile conditions. Instead, they encountered an Earth-like oasis. There, the landing party discovered Trelane's home, and within it, the two missing officers – and Trelane himself.
  • Trelane trasportò Sulu e Kirk dal ponte della nave stellare al suo maniero fortificato che aveva costruito su Gothos. L' Enterprise entrò in orbita e inviò una squadra di sbarco ad investigare in quello che si aspettavano essere un ambiente inospitale, invece essi trovarono un'oasi con condizioni climatiche tipicamente terrestri con un castello gotico dove all'interno vi erano i due ufficiali scomparsi e Trelane stesso. Trelane indossava gli abiti elaborati di un cavaliere europeo del XVIII secolo, questi abiti insieme al suo modo di comportarsi e di parlare suggerivano che egli pensava che fossero le condizioni in cui si trovava la Terra in quel momento, In realtà rappresentava come era la Terra alcuni secoli addietro, un errore di valutazione dovuto forse al fatto che Gothos dista dalla Terra oltre 900 anni luce e i suoi strumenti di osservazione rilevavano gli avvenimenti in ritardo. Gli ufficiali furono trovati in uno stato di paralisi ma vennero rapidamente liberati da Trelane con un gesto della mano. Questa è stata la prima prova dei suoi poteri sovrumani, ce ne sarebbero state altre. Trelane si comporta inizialmente in modo molto amichevole ma chiarisce che le regole da seguire sono le sue e che il soggiorno sarebbe finito solo quando egli avrebbe scelto di lasciarli andare. Trelane spiega che egli è in grado di trasformare la materia in energia e poi l'energia di nuovo in materia, in questo modo è in grado di creare quello che vuole a suo piacimento. Quando Kirk compara questo ad un teletrasporto, Trelane afferma che è un esempio alquanto grossolano di un processo infinitamente più sofisticato, i suoi poteri non si limitano a trasportare la materia da un posto all'altro ma possono cambiarne la forma a sua volontà. Inoltre egli è in grado di mantenere un campo di forza intorno al suo pianeta che blocca i sensori e le comunicazioni. Può anche trasmettere capacità particolari ad altri, infatti ha insegnato ad Uhura a suonare il clavicembalo con un gesto della sua mano. Dopo aver percorso 14 orbite intorno al pianeta senza aver stabilito alcun contatto con gli ufficiali dispersi, Spock individua un'area anomala sul pianeta, di poche centinaia di metri quadrati, che appare caratterizzata da assenza di ambiente tossico e vulcanico. Spock ordinò dunque il teletrasporto a bordo di tutte le forme di vita presenti nell'area. Tutto l'equipaggio venne trasferito a bordo tranne Trelane, il che significava che egli non era in vita oppure che era una forma di vita che gli strumenti dell'Enterprise non erano in grado di rilevare. Kirk appena tornato a bordo ordina la partenza immediata della nave ma Trelane che era salito a bordo anch'egli, rapisce l'intero equipaggio della plancia e lo trasferisce nel suo salotto per un invito a pranzo. thumb|left|Il castello di Trelane Durante il pasto McCoy nota che il cibo non ha sapore mentre Karl Jaeger rileva che il fuoco brucia con fiamma costante ma non spande nessun calore intorno. Tutte queste cose e l'errore di Trelane riguardo il periodo terrestre in corso, suggeriscono che non è infallibile. Kirk e Spock successivamente teorizzano che una qualche forza esterna sia responsabile dei suoi trucchi. Quando Kirk nota che Trelane si allontana raramente dal suo grande specchio a muro, escogita un piano. Sfida Trelane a duello, ma invece di colpire lui, spara verso lo specchio che esplode in modo spettacolare. Privato del suo meccanismo di supporto, Trelane non può impedire la partenza dell'equipaggio dell'Enterprise ma giura che sono tutti uomini morti. La nave parte velocemente ma Trelane ha altri strumenti al suo comando, sufficientemente potenti da muovere il suo pianeta nello spazio ed intercettare l'Enterprise. Kirk decide dunque di fermare la nave e tornare su Gothos dove trova Trelane che gli appare come un giudice determinato a condannarlo per i crimini di alto tradimento verso un'autorità superiore, cospirazione e tentativo di istigare un'insurrezione. Kirk suppose che questo doveva essere troppo facile e poco divertente per lui e quindi gli suggerì che ciò di cui aveva bisogno era una sfida, se durante la lotta kirk fosse morto, Trelane doveva lasciare andare la nave. A colpi di spada Trelane dà la caccia a Kirk, usando i suoi poteri può facilmente evitare i colpi del capitano e finalmente lo intrappola in una gabbia che crea davanti l'ingresso del suo castello. Anche in quello stato Kirk non coopera, afferra la spada di Trelane e la spezza, un gesto che fa infuriare Trelane. Kirk allora si rende conto che Trelane ha molto da imparare sulla vittoria, anzi ha molto da imparare su ogni cosa. In quel momento arrivano i genitori di Trelane, i loro discorsi con Trelane confermano i sospetti di Kirk: Trelane con tutta la sua potenza è solo un bambino piccolo e viziato. I genitori di Trelane lo portano via con se e si scusano con Kirk ma non forniscono delle spiegazioni riguardo Trelane o su loro stessi. (TOS: "Il cavaliere di Gothos")
  • Trelane was a member of the Q Continuum who the crew of the USS Enterprise encountered in 2267. Trelane harassed the crew of the Enterprise before he was found by his parents and taken home. At the time Trelane was fascinated with 18th century French culture. (TOS episode & Star Trek 11 novelization: The Squire of Gothos) Trelane later escaped from his parents again. The Enterprise again encountered Trelane in 2269 while investigating the disappearance of several vessels. During their second encounter, Trelane had become fascinated with the First World War. Trelane attacked the Enterprise with a space vessel made to resemble an early biplane. Kirk and the Enterprise crew were able to defeat the biplane, but Trelane then subjected several Starfleet officers to a simulation of a period German village. Kirk was again able to disrupt Trelane's power, and Trelane's nanny discovered him and took him away. (TOS video game: Judgment Rites) Alternatively, the player could have Kirk talk Trelane into taking him to a simulation of a real World War I battlefield, rather than the romanticized version Trelane had created. After Kirk tries to convince Trelane that there's nothing romantic about war, Trelane loses interest in holding the Enterprise or the other ships, and allows them to leave. Years later, Trelane appeared again. Kirk told Trelane he had no interest in any more of Trelane's war games. However, Trelane revealed he was interested in romantic conquests now, which Kirk was quite familiar with. Effectively holding the Enterprise hostage and giving Kirk a brief but first hand reminder of Gothos' deadly atmosphere, Kirk was first made to try and charm a random woman at a bar (and nearly getting killed because the woman was already taken). Trelane also subjected Kirk to a hallucination of the Enterprise crew (in particular Spock) into trying to kill Kirk in an attempt to appease Trelane's threats. Taking a unintended hint from Kirk, Trelane switched tactics and instead made Kirk reunited with an old flame of his, Theresa Ross, but Kirk refused to follow through purely for Trelane's amusement. Punching Trelane in the face and knocking him down, Kirk called him "a boy in a man's body." Trelane chastised Kirk for thinking Kirk was the only one to have aged in the years since their last encounter. Kirk having had enough of Trelane's games set the Enterprise for auto-destruct, Spock figuring the explosion would be enough to kill even Trelane. Trelane in a tantrum destroyed the part of the ship's computer responsible for the self-destruct declaring no one would destroy the Enterprise but him. Trelane revealed all he wanted was Kirk's advice and example on how to handle the ladies. Uhura then plays a part, pretending to want to give Trelane more hands on advice on the subject. A good deal of this turned out to be delaying tactics on part of the crew, having noticed Trelane having repeatedly moved the ship when a powerful energy signature neared. The signature turns out to be a female of Trelane's species, Valedsia. Kirk was amused at Trelane's cowering at her presence. Kirk told them both to leave his ship at once, and the Valedsia was more than willing to comply with this, dragging off Trelane eagerly and happily as Trelane begged Kirk for help. McCoy found it interesting that coming from a race as advanced as them "they wanted advice on the birds and the bees." Spock noted that the more advanced the civilization, the more arrogant its youth. (TOS comic: "A Little Man-to-Man Talk") In the 24th century, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D encountered Trelane, and finally learned that he was a member of the Q Continuum. After Trelane acquired control of the Heart of the Storm, a part of the fundamental structure of the universe, capable of granting Trelane power over the very structure of chaos itself, he began to collapse three alternate timelines together for little more than the sake of it, driving an alternate version of Jack Crusher insane by revealing that he was the only version of himself left in the multiverse, as well as dispersing Q across the universe after sealing the Q Continuum away from the rest of reality. However, Q was able to piece himself back together over the millennia thanks to a signal sent out by his future self, with the result that, when he 'caught up' with Trelane in the present, his powers were intact enough for him to protect Captain Jean-Luc Picard and some of his crew from the insanity that would have been caused by Trelane's manipulation of reality. With the aid of Commander Riker, Lieutenant Worf and an alternate version of Lieutenant Commander Natasha Yar, Picard was able to teleport down to the planet Terminus- an artificial creation made to serve as a focus for Trelane's game- and confront Trelane in a sword-fight using a sword that was really Q's essence, Picard exploiting Trelane's overconfidence and limited practical knowledge of swordfighting to stab him in the chest, allowing Q-in-the-sword to disrupt Trelane's connection to the Heart of the Storm and disperse him into nothing, simultaneously restoring Q's powers. As he restored reality to normal, Q implied in a conversation with Picard that Trelane may have been his own illegitimate son, but his mother's high status in the Continuum meant that any relationship between her and Q would have been scandalous at best, and Picard respected Q's desire to let the matter drop. (TNG novel: Q-Squared) In early 2372, Trelane began playing a strange game of chess with Q, using the crews of two starships Enterprise as pawns. As each superbeing was convinced that the captain he was used to dealing with was superior (Kirk for Trelane and Picard for Q), they switched the captains' places, allowing Kirk to take command of the brand-new USS Enterprise-E on the day of its launch, while Picard had to assume command of the original Enterprise during a Klingon attack. Both captains adapted to their new situations, and were able to work together to overcome Trelane and Q. (ST - Unlimited comic: "An Infinite Jest")
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