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- Fires a spread of 5 bullets thst tell you how much to change your angle for the next turn.
- Lena Oxton, llamada Tracer es una Heroína de Overwatch.
- Tracer is the Overwatch's equivalent to the Scout.In fact she has a crush with Scout.She was originally a pilot but now she is a time traveller.
- Tracer is an Offense hero in Overwatch.
- Tracer is the Warlord of The Electric Eliminators.
- Tracer was one of Roulette's Meta-Brawl fighters.
- File:Tracer Ath221 thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Tracer is available as a player portrait in StarCraft II for those who purchase either the collector's or digital deluxe version of Overwatch.
- Tracers appeared to be an amalgamation of dispatchers, scouts and messengers, typically traversing the massive region of the Nightyards in order to retrieve specific components, carry and coordinate messages for communications, and delivering whatever required items they were assigned to. Krovo Scrios was a tracer, as was his father, Hektor Scrios.
- Tracers were the titles given to members who hunted down and captured fugitives. They were found both within Earth-bound societies and those that spanned the stars. The Taldor possessed tracers for hunting down prisoners and other criminals. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")
- File:IconDamage.png (8/10) File:IconUtility.png (2/10) File:IconSurvivability.png (5/10) File:IconComplexity.png (8/10) Tracer is a hero from the Overwatch universe. Players who purchase the digital copy of Origins Edition orCollector's Edition of Overwatch for PC will gain free access to her starting April 19. Starting on April 26, she'll become available for sale to all players.
- Shawn is the Paladin of Mercury in almost every way. He’s every woman’s best friend to go shopping with. Shawn’s power is finding things, anything from the best deal on a pair of shoes to the sunken city of Atlantis (so he claims), and once he’s found it, being an exemplar three helps in keeping it. He’s a player and makes no effort to hide it, but he does love every woman he is with, always remembering their favorite things and, even after they break up, tends to get them gifts on their birthdays and other special days. Shawn isn’t a part of the council only because he’s having too much fun to follow “that pompous old has-been and his clique of relics.” Of all of the Olympians, Mercury and Venus are the closest to their old power levels due to absorbing the emotions from their various par
- A tracer was a highly trained Ramuran agent assigned to track down and retrieve those who attempt to leave their homeworld. They hid themselves and their ships with polarization cloaks, and they used computer viruses to eliminate any records of their presence. They were armed with neurolytic emitters, with which they erased the memories of their targets, making them more cooperative. Tracers were extremely persistent, for the disgrace of returning home empty-handed would be too great to bear.