| - Among the polite society of Chaminade, the posh sector of the planet Aziris, Atreu Damazki was the eldest child born of Illyria Adair and Hyde Damazki. Hyde Damazki had made his mark among the "blessed" as a military tactician, working amid the consular and his committee of noble guards. The decorated young man had been working on a covert operation when had first noticed the young Illyria in a cafe; their beginning rendezvous was anything less than blissful. Illyria was daunted by his lewdness and lecher ways, finding him completely below her standards of anything resembling human. It had been at the Rose Villa, the exotic restaurant Illyria owned and was head chef for, where Hyde had made his eternal commitment to his future bride. Three months after their vows exchanged and their marria
| - Among the polite society of Chaminade, the posh sector of the planet Aziris, Atreu Damazki was the eldest child born of Illyria Adair and Hyde Damazki. Hyde Damazki had made his mark among the "blessed" as a military tactician, working amid the consular and his committee of noble guards. The decorated young man had been working on a covert operation when had first noticed the young Illyria in a cafe; their beginning rendezvous was anything less than blissful. Illyria was daunted by his lewdness and lecher ways, finding him completely below her standards of anything resembling human. It had been at the Rose Villa, the exotic restaurant Illyria owned and was head chef for, where Hyde had made his eternal commitment to his future bride. Three months after their vows exchanged and their marriage consummated, Illyria confided her pregnancy to her husband during one of their cultures most hellish civil wars. Hyde, not being elated of such news of a child, had ignored his wife during the first trimester of her pregnancy and did not become aware of her heightened mortality until Illyria had almost died due to an unexplained illness. Born during the eve of spring, Atreu had brought a new joy to the lives of his parents and opened a gateway of renowned love and understanding between Illyria and Hyde. However, Karma and Fate would not be so kind to them where their beloved son was concerned.