| - The cls_savthr_*.2da files are the .2da files that define the advancement of saving throws for a class. These files are used only when referred to by the "SavingThrowTable" column of <a href="/mediawiki/Classes.2da" title="Classes.2da">classes.2da</a>. These .2da's have 60 rows (numbered 0 to 59), even though only 20 rows are relevant (since saving throw advancement stops depending on class after character level 20). These .2da's additionally have a blank row between the headers and row 0. Most of the files of this type that are provided in the standard game are named for a base class to which they are associated. (Other classes tend to re-use a base class file, as there are only eight possible standard progressions.) Specifically, the standard files of this type are
* cls_savthr_barb.2da,
* cls_savthr_bard.2da,
* cls_savthr_cler.2da ,
* cls_savthr_cons.2da (named for constructs),
* cls_savthr_dru.2da,
* cls_savthr_fight.2da,
* cls_savthr_monk.2da,
* cls_savthr_pal.2da,
* cls_savthr_rang.2da,
* cls_savthr_rog.2da,
* cls_savthr_sorc.2da,
* cls_savthr_wild.2da (for wild creatures), and
* cls_savthr_wiz.2da. The eight possible standard progressions and the standard files (without extensions) that define them are as follows.