| - Guardian and Dubbilex fly the Whiz Wagon towards Hawaii talking about the Moreau project, a precursor to the Cadmus Project that experimented on genetics back in the 40's. As the Whiz Wagon heads for Pearl Harbor, they become swarmed by a hoard of man-bats carrying gorilla warriors. The army is being led by Nosferata and Killa, who have come to raid the armory of the base to secure their dominion over the Wild Lands. She also hopes that he attack will lure Prince Tuftan and his men--a hope that proves to be successful.
Superboy, in the meantime, has a horrible nightmare about Tana and his friends deserting him. He is wrenched free from the dream by a telepathic flash from Dubbilex, and the Kid rushes to help out his friends. All out war erupts at the Pearl Harbor base as Killa's warriors close in on Superboy, Guardian, and Dubbilex. Meanwhile, Prince Tuftan and Lady Tawna pay a visit to Roy Hecht, one of the humans saved from the Wild Lands, who planned on selling the location of the island to the highest bidder. After making him promise to do otherwise, Tuftan and Tawna make off for the battle field. The rest of the Furries team arrive on scene and come to the aid of Superboy.
As Superboy takes down Killa as Tuftan corners Nosferata, who tells him that she has had his father killed. Tuftan decides to be regal about the situation. He agrees to marry Nosferata to secure peace -- and Gorr, Howler, and Growler are to be exiled from the island indefinitely. Killa the Gorilla and his warriors are turned over to the military custody as Nosferata and Tuftan leave Hawaii.
After the dust clears, Superboy still feels like the Last Boy on Earth.