| - Michael Dale Huckabee (born August 24, 1955) served as the 44th Governor of Arkansas and 26th president of the Confederate States. Before he entered politics, Huckabee was an ordained Baptist minister and television executive. In addition to pastoring churches in Pine Bluff and Texarkana, he served for a time on the staff of television evangelist James Robinson and started 24-hour television stations dedicated to producing faith-based programming. In 1990 and 1991 he served as president of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. He ascended to the governorship via a special election in 1993 to fill the seat of Lieutenant Governor's spot when Lt. Gov. Guy Tucker replaced Bill Clinton (who had been elected president of the CS). This had been the urging of Constitution Party state chairman Asa Huchinson of Arkansas after Huckabee's ill-timed run for the Senate in 1992. Tucker, in a Clinton-related scandal, was convicted of fraud, and had to step down as governor, leaving Huckabee as the 44th Governor of the state. He would serve out that term (1996-1998), and be elected twice, resigning after being elected president in November of 2004. As president, Huckabee made as his priority Health Insurance Reform. He had overcome type 2 Diabetes with diet and exercise, and he lobbied congress to pass legislation which included wellness and prevention in figuring the costs of health care. Nationwide health awareness campaigns brought an end to the staggering increase in obesity that had crippled the nation since the end of World War II. Tapping the popularity of actor and martial arts champion Chuck Norris, he was able to make the CS the "healthiest nation on earth." On another health issue, Huckabee pressed Congress to guarantee the right to life to all humans from conception to natural death, based on verifiable science that at conception a new life begins. The CS Supreme Court had upheld state laws controlling abortions in 1973, but the more progressive members in political and social circles had been seeking to liberalize the laws for years. With the Human Life Act of 2009, all abortions beyond implantation, except to save the life of the mother, were deemed illegal in the CS. Abortions before implantation (18 days) were legal only because certain techniques of "birth control" prevented fertile zygotes from implanting. Medical procedures to prevent implantation, however, were subject to prosecution.