| - Diskflyers are small, non-sapient flying creatures native to the planet Darwin IV. Their mouth is located on the underside of their disk-shaped bodies. They probably propel themselves through the air by combusting methane gas in jet pods, like do other flying creatures of the planet, such as Skewers. Diskflyers live in or around the Amoebic Sea region. Sometimes they land on the "sea" surface to rest and feed on the jelly-like substance that composes it. Although Diskflyers live and fly in large groups, they are territorial creatures: each group operates in a distinct, four kilometer square territory. It is unknown whether young Diskflyers remain in the territory in which they were born, or leave to find their own territory and possibly start their own group.
- Their dispersal across the Amoebic Sea - living in dense clouds encountered every four kilometers or so - seems to indicate a territorial pattern, though it is still uncertain as to the actual nature of the territories involved. On some occasions diskflyers will be at rest on the gel's surface, possibly feeding. It can only be guessed that the four-kilometer-wide territories represent the feeding radius of the odd flyers. During spring in the circumpolar tundra around Glacier Cap North, the melted snow and softened ground frees not only the gently glowing buds of low, hardy tundra plants, it also frees the vast hibernating populations of diskflyers, which take wing and ascend in swirling clouds into the air.