| - Shili was the Togruta homeworld and was located in the Expansion Region, a sector of space between the Inner and Mid Rim. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Shili on Wookieepedia
- Shili era un pianeta verdeggiante della Regione d'Espansione, localizzato nel Settore Ehosiq
- Shili was a planet in the Outer Rim. It was inhabited by the Togruta.
- A Shili a togruták túlnépesedett őshazája.
- [Source] Shili était une planète du système Shili de la Zone d'Expansion. Elle était située proche de Balnab. Sa surface était recouverte de prairies colorées. Il s'agissait de la planète d'origine des Togrutas. La Maître Jedi Shaak Ti était native de Shili, tout comme Ahsoka Tano.
- Wookieepedia describes Shili's canonical history
- Shili was a planet located in the Expansion Region of the galaxy, it was the homeworld of the Togruta, a near-human race. They shared many similarities with Twi'leks.
- Shili ist ein Planet des Shili Systems und ist der Planet von die Togruta.thumb|372px Die Landschaft des Planeten ist sehr vielseitig, der Planet hat auch größere Wälder und viele Städte.
- Shili ist ein Planet des Shili Systems und ist der Planet von die Togruta.thumb|372px Die Landschaft des Planeten ist sehr vielseitig, der Planet hat auch größere Wälder und viele Städte.
- Shili verfügt über eine große Vielfalt an Landschaften, von Küstenstreifen und endlos Bergketten. Entlang der Küstenlinien gibt es ehr wenig Niederschlägen, milde Winter und heiße Sommer. Im Inland allerdings milde stürmische Sommer, kalte Wintern und deutlich mehr Niederschläge. Die Oberflache wird jedoch meist von Wäldern bedeckt.
- [[Fișier:Shaak_Ti_Big_Headshot.jpg|thumb|left|Shaak Ti, o Maestră Jedi Togrută.]] Legendara Maestră Jedi Shaak Ti a fost o nativă a planetei Shili, ca şi Raana Tey, Ashla şi Ahsoka Tano. Planeta a fost un membru vechi al Republica Galactică iar cei din specia Togruta serviseră Ordinul Jedi încă din primele etape. După Războiul Clonelor, Kajin Savaros a fost trimis acolo printre vindecătorii Togruta şi Tăcuţii pentru a se vindeca după tentativa de spălare a creierului comisă asupra lui de către Darth Vader şi Probus Tesla.
- The legendary Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a native of Shili, as were Raana Tey,[4] Ashla and Ahsoka Tano.[5] The planet was a long-time member of the Galactic Republic and Togrutas had been in the Jedi Order since its earliest years. It was the homeworld of many beasts, such as the Akul[1], which tribes of Togrutas had to work together to defeat in order to survive. The planet was covered with turu-grass scrublands and valley canopy forests. The most prominent city on Shili was Corvala, which was the capital. Shili was located in the Expansion Region[1] near the Hydian Way.[2]
- Shili is a largely considered the most untamed member-world of the Republic when the Republic maintains sovereignty of it. The native Togruta live in stone cities in the midst of violent jungles. They care little for economics, and are quite happy with what their planet can produce. In the recent past the Togruta made room on Shili's swampy coastline for a group of Ithorian wanderers to set up a community.