| - Corrupted are a Japanese doom/sludge metal band. They are known for their antipathy towards mainstream acceptance, even in their subgenre, which naturally tends towards obscurity. This is reflected not only in their dark and oppressive musical style but their reclusive nature, avoiding interviews and publicity photo shoots. Despite their lack of media exposure they have recorded prolifically throughout their career, including numerous split albums with many artists and perform regularly in Japan and occasionally abroad, twice to the United States.
- Programs created by the mysterious assassin in his own image, flies, with the use of a virus. Stronger versions are called the Complete Corrupted. There also exists at least one entity called the Wasteland Corrupted, which consists of gigantic mas of flies that swarming around danerously corrupted code. After the Assassin killed Morpheus, he spawned various programs known as corrupted, from his essence, which were flies. They could be found and fought in The Matrix Online.
- Ability text: Corrupted: Each time Ariad performs an attack tareting a Cursed hero, add 1 additional yellow power die to her attack pool for each Cursed hero targeted.
- Corrupted is an armor style made in the appearance of the Cursed Celestial Powers. It drops in the Raven bounty for heroes and is obtained as a reward from the extra level boss' in T5 duos for Villains. It also can be obtained from the Chit of Exaltation's Rewards which might be contained in the Exalted Reward Box. The armor has an Item Level of 85 and players require a Combat Rating of 84 to wear it. __TOC__ File:SonsofTrigon.png
- The Corrupted were unfortunate citizens of New Marais that had been mutated into biological abominations by the powerful Conduit Joseph Bertrand. The Corrupted ravaged the swamps of New Marais, and would occasionally be given tasks by their leader.
- The Corrupted are four fallen followers of Ahriman. Tainted by Ahriman's Corruption, the four act as his lieutenants in his war against the light.
- Coming in contact with the Dark Pollen can create a corrupted creature (refer to Somesuch). Once changed, offspring are also afflicted as the corruption is passed to the next generation. Only a miracle spell can uncorrupt a creature, returning it to its normal state, and with all memories of its activities as a corrupted. Offspring of a corrupted cannot be uncorrupted, as this is now their natural state. Skills, Feats: If the form or ability scores of a creature drastically changes, skill and feat sets may need to be revised. There is no set amount or formula.
- Er ist ein deutscher Horror - YouTuber der viele verschiedene Horrorspiele spielt, davon gibt es täglich 2 Videos. Die meisten seiner Let´s Plays sind Indie-Horrorspiele. Aber auch Spiele wie SOMA, AMNESIA oder Layers of Fear sind bei ihm zu finden Neben den Gaming-Videos macht er auch Formate wie #verstörend, wo er gruselige Bilder und Videos vorstellt und bewertet. In den meisten seiner Videos kann man erfahren, was für ihn bei einem Horrorspiel wichtig ist. So erklärt er ab und zu, warum eine Atmosphäre gut ist, oder warum nicht.thumb|180px|Kanalbild von Corrupted
- The Corrupted are enemies encountered in Orokin Void levels. Corrupted units are actually Corpus, Grineer, and Infested creatures that have been implanted with a control device, allowing the "Neural Sentry" of the Orokin Towers to manipulate them. Most Corrupted appear shining grey and drained of color, save for the golden Orokin control devices on their heads, and their body is "perfected" in a way that mirrors the Orokin aesthetic taste: this is especially evident in Corrupted Grineer units, which has their crude armor replaced by golden, symmetrical plates and bionics. These devices appear similar to the Orokin material on Frost Prime's helmet.