| - The Murder Beam simply creates a pillar where it was shot. Any enemy that comes in contact with it is hit, and the pillar remains until Samus leaves the room or overwrites it with a Charge Beam + Power Bomb combination (not with the Murder Beam). This makes the Murder Beam very effective against respawning enemies and a few bosses. Its most noteworthy use is against Mother Brain, where it is able to continue attacking Mother Brain all throughout the battle, practically killing her by the time Samus receives the Hyper Beam. It is also useful against Ridley because (for unknown reasons) the shot sticks to his tail. The effect causes his tail to appear to be smoking.
- The Murder Beam is a beam from Super Metroid that can only be obtained by exploiting a glitch. To do this glitch, go to where it shows Samus' upgrades (All beams required to do this.). Turn off wave beam, have spazer on, not plasma. Charge up, then pause without letting go off the charge button, then let go of charge button. Go over to the boots and hit Left and A at the same time, if done right the words Var. should appear next to the plasma beam, with the spazer on. Unpause, and when going back to game hold the charge button again. A glowing orb should constantly be there. Don't let go, or Samus will start falling through the ground and appearing back at the top in slow motion. NOTE:CAN ONLY BE USED AGAINST BOSSES. Does constant damage to boss.
| - The Murder Beam simply creates a pillar where it was shot. Any enemy that comes in contact with it is hit, and the pillar remains until Samus leaves the room or overwrites it with a Charge Beam + Power Bomb combination (not with the Murder Beam). This makes the Murder Beam very effective against respawning enemies and a few bosses. Its most noteworthy use is against Mother Brain, where it is able to continue attacking Mother Brain all throughout the battle, practically killing her by the time Samus receives the Hyper Beam. It is also useful against Ridley because (for unknown reasons) the shot sticks to his tail. The effect causes his tail to appear to be smoking. The Murder Beam is also referred to as the VAR beam. When all weapons are combined, it will lead to a sub-category with the only option, VAR, appearing to be taken from the first three letters of Varia Suit. The damage of the Murder Beam is the same as Power Bombs, and the damage type is considered a Charged 'Power Bomb' Beam. This has nothing to do with the Charge Beam + Power Bomb attacks, as those are still considered Charged Ice/Wave/Spazer/Plasma Beams. With the Murder Beam, the game's engine recognizes it as a charged Power Bomb. This is usually irrelevant because most of the time, enemies only care that Samus is firing a charged attack. However, it causes odd effects with freezing some unexpected enemies, such as the Gold Torizo, and failing to freeze others, such as Yapping Maws. The Murder Beam will crash the game if Samus fires an uncharged shot, or attempt to use a Charge Beam + Power Bomb attack with it. It will also crash the game if she fires the shot to the right, or fires the shot while spin jumping. There are two methods to charge the Murder Beam without firing an uncharged shot. The simplest is to charge a safe beam, then switch on the Murder Beam in the pause screen. A faster method is to turn on the X-ray Scope then hold the fire button. Samus will charge her beam without firing an initial shot in this situation. There are five memory slots for Samus's projectiles (not including bombs), which means that only five projectiles can be on the screen at once. Normally, this is not very important because shots can quickly accelerate past Samus and disappear off screen, so it is difficult to attempt to fire more than 5 shots at once. However, each Murder Beam takes up a slot in the projectile array. Firing five Murder Beams means that Samus is unable to use her main weapons. Also, Murder Beams will not disappear even if they are offscreen; Samus must leave the room or overwrite the Murder Beams with a Charge Beam + Power Bomb attack. There are two very interesting applications of the Murder Beam: Full-Screen Murder Beam and Semi-Frozen Murder Beam. There are no specific uses for either of these, but they are still formidable tools.
- The Murder Beam is a beam from Super Metroid that can only be obtained by exploiting a glitch. To do this glitch, go to where it shows Samus' upgrades (All beams required to do this.). Turn off wave beam, have spazer on, not plasma. Charge up, then pause without letting go off the charge button, then let go of charge button. Go over to the boots and hit Left and A at the same time, if done right the words Var. should appear next to the plasma beam, with the spazer on. Unpause, and when going back to game hold the charge button again. A glowing orb should constantly be there. Don't let go, or Samus will start falling through the ground and appearing back at the top in slow motion. NOTE:CAN ONLY BE USED AGAINST BOSSES. Does constant damage to boss. This Metroid related article is a stub. Please help by expanding it.