| - Magic points are used up by characters in each Grandia title to perform spells. In some games, the MP of a character is linked to the equipped Mana Egg. MP cannot be refilled without using a Save Point or using an item. The only exception is in Grandia Xtreme, where MP recovers during battle, while SP does not.
- Each character's Magic Points are shown on the blue Mana bar (right under the orange Health bar and above the yellow Experience bar).
- Some Academics have the ability to cast spells. In order to do so, they need magic points. Magic points represent the psychic energy the character draws on to cast a spell. Characters with the Cast Spells skill have been shown how to act as channels for the magical forces of the universe. They are able to manipulate the raw magic to create spectacular effects, but, first, they must have studied and learnt the magical formulae which make up spells. However, knowing a spell is not the same as casting it successfully. Characters must not only know the mechanisms by which a spell is cast, but must also have enough inner resources or magic points to channel the spell effectively. Casting spells is taxing - some spells more so than others. Characters' ability to cast spells is dependent on the n
- Abbreviation: MP A numeric representation of a character's magical energy. MP is used for casting most types of magic. Some classes of magic have zero MP costs, such as Ninjutsu and Songs. For other categories, each spell requires a certain amount of MP to be used in order to cast it. The player will be unable to use the spell if current MP is insufficient. The maximum amount of MP available is determined by the player's race, job, level, merits, and certain equipment.
- Image:MP.gif Magic Points, also known as Mana Points, Magic Power and MP is a type of energy reserved for casting spells and magic. However, as the magic system is not yet implemented, the only use for MP so far is by using Scrolls.
- Magic points (also abbreviated MP) are units of magical power and capability that are used in various role-playing games. It is used as a finite resource that is needed to use magical spells and abilities. Restoration of magic points may occur when sleeping at an inn, resting, using mana potions, etc... or magic points may be restored naturally over time. How this happens depends on the game system. Magic points are a measurement of the current amount of mana energy within a creature. Mana energy is expended when magic spells are cast or magical abilities are used.
- Also know as MP, Magic Points are one of the most important stats found in the Shadow Hearts series. These are measures of how many abilities a character can cast. Every time a character uses an ability, an MP cost is deducted from their Maximum MP value. When a character runs out of MP, they will not be able to use any more abilities, and will have to resort to their weapon or some other form of attack. Various items and resting with a Tent or at an Inn usually restores MP. Naturally, stronger abilities tend to have higher MP costs.
| - Magic points (also abbreviated MP) are units of magical power and capability that are used in various role-playing games. It is used as a finite resource that is needed to use magical spells and abilities. A character often has a measurement of magic points based upon that user's level, character class, and other factors. In terms of class, Mages and other magically-based classes will often have more magic points than fighter classes that are less prone to use magically-based skills. When a character uses a magical spell or ability, a set amount of magic points will be subtracted from that character's available magic point total in order to cast the spell. In most cases, the more powerful the spell, the more magic points it will cost to cast. If a character does not have the needed amount of magic points to cast a spell, the spell cannot be cast. Restoration of magic points may occur when sleeping at an inn, resting, using mana potions, etc... or magic points may be restored naturally over time. How this happens depends on the game system. Magic points are a measurement of the current amount of mana energy within a creature. Mana energy is expended when magic spells are cast or magical abilities are used.
- Also know as MP, Magic Points are one of the most important stats found in the Shadow Hearts series. These are measures of how many abilities a character can cast. Every time a character uses an ability, an MP cost is deducted from their Maximum MP value. When a character runs out of MP, they will not be able to use any more abilities, and will have to resort to their weapon or some other form of attack. Various items and resting with a Tent or at an Inn usually restores MP. Naturally, stronger abilities tend to have higher MP costs. Various abilities and equipment can alter how MP is consumed. The Priest Earrings, for example, reduces MP costs for abilities by 20%. Also the notable abilities of Lucia's Aromatherapy, Tarot Cards and Ricardo's Serenata can effect a character's MP cost and values.
- Abbreviation: MP A numeric representation of a character's magical energy. MP is used for casting most types of magic. Some classes of magic have zero MP costs, such as Ninjutsu and Songs. For other categories, each spell requires a certain amount of MP to be used in order to cast it. The player will be unable to use the spell if current MP is insufficient. The maximum amount of MP available is determined by the player's race, job, level, merits, and certain equipment. MP can be replenished by healing; the spells Refresh, Aspir, MP Drainkiss, or Magic Hammer; the songs Mage's Ballad, Mage's Ballad II or Mage's Ballad III; Evoker's Roll; an optional Sanction or Sigil bonus; certain equipment, or granting a Refresh Status Effect; or the weapon skills Starlight, Moonlight, Energy Steal, Energy Drain, Mystic Boon and Spirit Taker. Certain equipment with Refresh Effect as well. Stepping inside your Mog House or changing Jobs at a Nomad Moogle will also replenish your MP. Certain Atmas in abyssea give this refresh status such as Atma of the Stormbird, Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity, The Summoner job has two additional uses for MP. MP is used by Summoners for Avatar Perpetuation Cost; that is, Summoners use MP to maintain their avatars' presence during battle. When an avatar fights by a Summoner's side, the Summoner's MP is drained according to that avatar's perpetuation cost, after equipment effects and refresh effects are considered. Additionally, Summoner uses MP for Blood Pact: Rage and Blood Pact: Ward abilities, which are pet commands issued to avatars. Some enemies, primarily those in the Arcana family, are sensitive to magical energy, and will attack nearby players that attempt to cast magics that consume MP (magic aggro). Ninjutsu and songs, however, do not cost any MP, and may be freely cast without causing such enemies to attack you. A Black Mage may temporarily drop the MP costs of all spells to 0 via the use of his or her Two Hour Ability, Manafont. With Manafont active, they are permitted to cast spells for which they would have insufficient MP, and even if their MP is 0.
- Magic points are used up by characters in each Grandia title to perform spells. In some games, the MP of a character is linked to the equipped Mana Egg. MP cannot be refilled without using a Save Point or using an item. The only exception is in Grandia Xtreme, where MP recovers during battle, while SP does not.
- Each character's Magic Points are shown on the blue Mana bar (right under the orange Health bar and above the yellow Experience bar).
- Some Academics have the ability to cast spells. In order to do so, they need magic points. Magic points represent the psychic energy the character draws on to cast a spell. Characters with the Cast Spells skill have been shown how to act as channels for the magical forces of the universe. They are able to manipulate the raw magic to create spectacular effects, but, first, they must have studied and learnt the magical formulae which make up spells. However, knowing a spell is not the same as casting it successfully. Characters must not only know the mechanisms by which a spell is cast, but must also have enough inner resources or magic points to channel the spell effectively. Casting spells is taxing - some spells more so than others. Characters' ability to cast spells is dependent on the number of magic points they currently possess. Each spell has a magic point cost listed in its description. This is the number which must be deducted from a spellcaster's current magic points as the spell is cast. Magic points are only gained the first time a character reaches that level - regardless of which spellcasting career the character is currently following.
- Image:MP.gif Magic Points, also known as Mana Points, Magic Power and MP is a type of energy reserved for casting spells and magic. However, as the magic system is not yet implemented, the only use for MP so far is by using Scrolls.
* Presumably, once your MP hits 0, you will not be able to use scrolls or to cast magic.
* The quantity of your MP derives from your Wisdom stat and the number of Eggs eaten.
* 1 Egg of Magical Affinity provides 2 MP. Likewise, 1 Wisdom Point provides 2 MP.
* MP can be restored by drinking some types of Potions.
* Magic Points could be considered a counterpart to Health Points. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.