Galorndon Core was a planet located in the Galorndon Core system in Federation space in the Beta Quadrant, half a light year from the Romulan Neutral Zone in the Narendra sector of Tau Dewa sector block. (TNG episode: "The Enemy"; ST video game: Star Trek Online)
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- Galorndon core
- Galorndon Core
- Galorndon Core
| - Galorndon Core was a planet located in the Galorndon Core system in Federation space in the Beta Quadrant, half a light year from the Romulan Neutral Zone in the Narendra sector of Tau Dewa sector block. (TNG episode: "The Enemy"; ST video game: Star Trek Online)
- Galorndon Core is an unstable planet with a very harsh environment, located in Federation space approximately half a light year from the Romulan Neutral Zone. Since the time of the Earth-Romulan War, it has been the site of many confrontations between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. (TNG: "The Enemy", "The Defector", "Unification II", VOY: "The Thaw") In 2298, the Miranda-class USS Liberty engaged several vessels near Galorndon Core. Although the Romulan ships were forced to withdraw, the Liberty was severely damaged and was later scuttled as a result. (Star Trek: Liberty)
- En el año 2366, una Nave de Reconocimiento Romulana se estrelló en el planeta y el USS Enterprise-D fue enviado a investigar. El equipo de reconocimiento encontró los restos de la nave y a un sobreviviente Romulano. Desafortunadamente, el Tte. Cdte. Geordi LaForge quedó atrapado en la superficie con otro sobreviviente , el Centurión Bochra. De acuerdo a lo comentado más adelante por el desertor Romulano, el Almirante Alidar Jarok, este incidente fue ampliamente conocido en Romulus
- Galorndon Core (also known affectionately as Planet Hell) is a terraformed Class-M planet in the region of space belonging to both the Federation and the Romulans. Electromagnetic storms were still commonplace after the terraforming, although the structures built were strong enough to withstand them. It affected sensors and transporters. A conference on interstellar politics took place "a few years" before 2598. Future Federation president Lorel and then Captain Derek Turnbull were among the attendees. (PIO: "On a Knife Edge")
- thumb|Die Enterprise und ein Warbird im Orbit um Galorndon Core. thumb|Die Enterprise erreicht Galorndon Core. Galorndon Core ist ein Planet, welcher an der Grenze zwischen dem Territorium der Föderation und der romulanischen Neutralen Zone liegt, etwa ein halbes Lichtjahr entfernt von der Zone und nahe einer barolianischen Handelsroute. Der Romulaner Chulak wird bei Galorndon Core geschlagen. (VOY: ) Einige Wochen später teilt Admiral Alidar Jarok mit, dass der Vorfall mit dem überlebenden Offizier auf Galorndon Core im romulanischen Imperium bekannt ist. (TNG: )
- De Romulan commandant Chulak werd bij Galorndon core verslagen. (VOY: "The Thaw") Aangezien Galorndon core in Federatie gebied ligt en de slag in Starfleet verslagen is opgenomen, lijkt het erop dat dit een slag was in de Aarde-Romulan oorlog. Volgens admiraal Alidar Jarok was het incident bij Galorndon core bij de meeste Romulans bekend. (TNG: "The Defector") In 2368 was Galorndon core het ontmoetingspunt voor de aflevering van een gestolen deflector array aan een Bolian vrachtschip. (TNG: "Unification, Deel I")
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| - Galorndon core en zijn maan in 2368
- Het barre oppervlak
- De Enterprise en een Romulan D'deridex-klasse|schip boven Galorndon core in 2366
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| - Galorndon Core 2368.jpg
- Galorndon.jpg
- GalorndonCore oppervlak.jpg
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| - varies from Class M to Class L
| - Beta Quadrant
- Near the Romulan Neutral Zone
- In orbit of Galorndon Core
- system, Narendra sector, Tau Dewa sector block, Beta Quadrant; approx. 0.5 LY from Romulan Neutral Zone
| - Galorndon Core, remastered.jpg