| - This article shows the alternate color palettes for the playable characters in Super Smash Bros. War Zone. They are in alphabetical order. Each character has a different amount of alternate color palettes. The minimun amount of color palettes is 6, while the maximun is 8. Characters also have Alternate Costumes, which are similar to Alternate Palettes, but their changes are more drastic, going up to the point of changing model, animations, visual effects and voices. Gameplay is affected sometimes.
| - This article shows the alternate color palettes for the playable characters in Super Smash Bros. War Zone. They are in alphabetical order. Each character has a different amount of alternate color palettes. The minimun amount of color palettes is 6, while the maximun is 8. Characters also have Alternate Costumes, which are similar to Alternate Palettes, but their changes are more drastic, going up to the point of changing model, animations, visual effects and voices. Gameplay is affected sometimes. Characters with no Alternate Costumes will have the maximun amount of Color Palettes, but the Color Palettes might vary between 6 and 7 if they have one or more Alternate Costumes. This is because of the 8-Smash Mode, in which if everyone is using the same character, some will have to use the Alternate Costumes. Additionally, some Alternate Costumes come with Palette variations as well, rising the amount of Alternates of some characters' to more than 8. Most Alternates are based off or resemble something.