| - When attacking, you may roll 1 additional attack die. If you do, then the defender rolls 1 additional defense die.
- Zuckuss is a Gand bounty hunter. He is 4-LOM's half-brother.
- Zuckuss var en framgångsrik prisjägare som var mycket aktiv. Under sin långa karriär arbetade Zuckuss med många medarbetare, men var känd främst för att sammarbeta med protokolldroiden 4-LOM.thumb|Prisjägaren Zuckuss.
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- He attended the bounty hunter gathering in Something, Something, Something, Dark Side. Darth Vader, played by Stewie Griffin, calls him "Old-Timey Deep Sea Guy".
- [Source] Zuckuss était un chasseur de primes de race Gand qui fit parti des chasseurs de primes engagés en 3 ap.BY par Dark Vador pour traquer les rebelles. Il avait un jour trouvé un droïde de protocole qu'il transforma en droïde assassin, il reconstruit sa tête en forme de tête de Gand et le baptisa 4-LOM.
- Zuckuss was een succesvolle Gand Bounty Hunter die aanwezig was in 3 ABY toen Darth Vader een oproep deed om de Millennium Falcon te vangen.
- Zuckuss was a male Gand who worked as a bounty hunter during the Galactic Civil War. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Zuckuss, along with Black Krrsantan, IG-90, Dengar, Chanath Cha, Beebox and C-21 Highsinger, was hired by Darth Vader to find and return Doctor Aphra, who had been captured by the Rebel Alliance. After the Battle of Hoth, he was once again hired by Vader, this time to hunt down the Millennium Falcon and capture her passengers alive. However, the passengers were soon found and captured by the Empire on Cloud City, with help from Boba Fett.
- Zuckuss is a Gand bounty hunter who was hired by Jabba the Hutt to track down Jedi Knights and Rebels.
- Zuckuss( prnunciado /Zŭk'-ŭs/) fue un exitoso cazarrecompensas gand que estuvo activo durante el apogeo del Nuevo Orden. Conocido como "El Misterioso" por sus compañeros cazarrecompensas, Zuckuss era conocido por su habilidad para descubrir información oculta. Sus habilidades de seguimiento provenían tanto de su entrenamiento como buscador como por su sensibilidad a la Fuerza innata, lo que le permitía sentir individuos en determinado rango y descifrar los motivos de su víctima. Debido a sus famosas habilidades, Zuckuss era altamente buscado para solicitarle sus servicios, y encontró empleó con el Gremio de Cazarrecompensas, el Cartel hutt, TaggeCo, e incluso la Alianza Rebelde por un tiempo.
- Zuckuss was a Gand bounty hunter with somewhat low self esteem who worked for the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. He hated when people called him "Zuckass," which happened a lot. At some point in his life, he suffered lung damage from exposure to the Pissed Mist.
- Zuckuss is a bounty hunter and a villain in the Star Wars series. Zuckuss was a Gand who was a native of the homeworld of the same name. He along with his second cousin came from a long lineage of skilled religious trackers. The usefullness came to an end when the Galactic Empire conquered their planet and replaced their trackers with high tech scanner. Zuckuss eventually becomes a bounty hunter and hunts for Jedi Knights during the Jedi Purge.