| - Shinji Hirako -- sometimes known by his secret agent name Sinji -- is an idiot. No, really, he is.
- Shinji Hirako (平子 真子, Hirako Shinji), ist ein Anwerber und Mit-Anführer der Visored, zudem ist er der Kommandant der 5. Kompanie . Er ist (abgesehen von Ichigo Kurosaki) der erste Visored, den man zu Gesicht bekommt.
- Shinji Hirako (平子 真子, Hirako Shinji) is the captain of the 5th Division in the Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Momo Hinamori. He also served as a recruiter and the de facto leader of the Visored. He was also a Captain over 100 years ago prior to his exile, and was reinstated to his old post some time after the battle against Sōsuke Aizen.
- Shinji Hirako (平子 真子, Hirako Shinji) jest Visoredem i ich nieformalnym przywódcą. Jest również kapitanem 5. Oddziału w Gotei 13.
- Shinji is very calm and laid back for the most part, but he is known to have had a long lasting period of depression after his mother died when he was 24. This depression lasted five years. He is very sarcastic and critical of others, though he does respect his mahjong opponents. He is very analytical and observant.
- Shinji Hirako (平子 真子, Hirako Shinji) is the captain of the 5th Division in the Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Momo Hinamori. He also served as a recruiter and the de facto leader of the Visored.
- Shinji Hirako je prohlášený lídr Vizardů a bývalý kapitán 5. jednotky Gotei 13.thumb|left Shinji má rovné blond vlasy s ofinou.Často cení své přední zuby, v čemž je podobný Nnoitrovi Gilgovi. Na jazyku má piercing. Většinou nosí plášť, oranžovou nebo bílou košili, čepici a kravatu. Hollow maska Shinjimu umožňuje používat cero.