| - The Green Computing Initiative], stewards of the industry standard EFGCD® – Eco-Friendly Green Computing Definition defines Eco-Friendly Green Computing as the study and practice of the design, development and implementation of IT infrastructure efficiently and effectively with low or zero impact on the environment whilst reducing operating costs. Currently the ICT industry is responsible for 3% of the world's energy consumption. With the rate of consumption increasing by 20% a year, 2030 will be the year when the world's energy consumption will double because of the ICT industry. Organizations use the Green Computing Lifecycle when designing and implementing green computing technologies. The stages in the Lifecycle include Strategy, Design, Implementation, Operations and Continual Improvements. The 5 core green computing technologies advocated by GCI are Green Data Center, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, Power Optimization and Grid Computing. Companies such as Tesla Computers LLC offer green PC's that are affordable, non-toxic and ultra low wattage. They take responsibility for their outdated products by offering a PC recycling service. Processor manufacturers AMD and Intel are becoming green businesses and making big strides in the way of green computing with constant advancement. The University of Vermont reports that if 8,000 computer users activated sleep mode on a regular basis, there would be a total savings of 1.6 million kWh per year. This is equivalent to blocking the annual emissions of 150 cars, or planting 367 acres of trees.