| - Gladiatore dell'arena di Montera, è un mercenario.
- Uraltugo Noi Nueph (ウラルトゥーゴ・ノイ・ヌエフ, Urarutūgo Noi Nuefu), better known as Ugo (ウーゴ, Ūgo), is first thought to be the Djinn of Aladdin, though he is later revealed to belong to King Solomon. He is a former Magi from Alma Torran and the wielder of one of the 72 Divine Staves. Ugo and Aladdin have been friends for a long time and Aladdin has honored his friend by naming the Magic, "Ugo", after him.
- Ugo is Benito's right hand man along with Cino, making his debut appearance in Blinx: The Time Sweeper. In Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space, he is one of the many characters who assists the player with assignments, often informing them about puzzles, enemies, and objectives.
- Ugo is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse. He was an employee at the Yuriev Institute on Zavarov.
- Ugo war ein Mitglied der Diebesgilde in Venedig. Ezio begegnete ihm zum ersten mal bei seiner Ankunft in Venedig, als er versuchte, Rosa zu retten. Zuerst war Ugo nicht begeistert davon, dass schon ein "neuer" ihm Befehle erteilte, als Ezio aber Diebe aus der Gefangenschaft befreite und ihm bei anderen wichtigen Dingen half, erkannte er Ezio schließlich als starken Verbündeten an und half ihm bereitwillig mit Rosa und Antonio da Fiorentino den Angriff auf Emilio Barbarigo durchzuführen.
- Ugo – postać, występująca tylko w Gothic 3. Jest to najemnik orków mieszkający w Monterze.
- Ugo – należał do Weneckiego Stowarzyszenia Złodziei podczas XV wieku.
- In his Flute Form, Ugo is a small, golden and metal flute. He is usually on a string around Aladdin's neck. In his Djinn Form, Ugo has a huge body, but he has no head, and is nearly naked except for a fundoshi-like piece covering his genitals. Sometimes, Aladdin rides where his head is supposed to be, causing people to think he is disproportionate. His missing head is due to Aladdin not being able to summon enough strength to bring him out.
- Unidentified Government Official (alternative: Office or Operative) 1.
* Dick Cheney is the only known UGO Image:WWTS1sted1.png "UGO"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click . This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.