| - Hetalia (ヘタリア Hetaria) is a Japanese webcomic, later adapted as a manga and an anime series, by Hidekazu Himaruya (日丸屋秀和 Himaruya Hidekazu). The series presents an allegorical interpretation of political and historic events, particularly of the World War II era (Hetalia: Axis Powers) and the Great Colonization War era (Hetalia: Selenic Powers), in which the various countries are represented by anthropomorphic characters. Hetalia is a portmanteau combining hetare (ヘタレ, Japanese for "gutless", "pathetic", "unskilled", etc.) and Italia (イタリア).
| - Hetalia (ヘタリア Hetaria) is a Japanese webcomic, later adapted as a manga and an anime series, by Hidekazu Himaruya (日丸屋秀和 Himaruya Hidekazu). The series presents an allegorical interpretation of political and historic events, particularly of the World War II era (Hetalia: Axis Powers) and the Great Colonization War era (Hetalia: Selenic Powers), in which the various countries are represented by anthropomorphic characters. Hetalia is a portmanteau combining hetare (ヘタレ, Japanese for "gutless", "pathetic", "unskilled", etc.) and Italia (イタリア). Originally, Himaruya intended to create only one arc, Hetalia: Axis Powers, but after the success of Axis Powers, he created the second arc, Hetalia: Selenic Powers. The series often uses satire and comedy to address well-known historical events as well as historical and cultural trivia. Historical, political, and military interaction between countries is allegorically represented in Hetalia as social and romantic interaction between the characters; the webcomic version in particular depicts military and economic incursions using various innuendo.