From: [[]] The Implacable Detective is here with a proposition. 'That's a good dog,' she says. 'Lend him to me. I'll make it worth your while.' She's got a reputation, this one. You probably won't get your dog back. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Attributes | Values |
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| - From: [[]] The Implacable Detective is here with a proposition. 'That's a good dog,' she says. 'Lend him to me. I'll make it worth your while.' She's got a reputation, this one. You probably won't get your dog back. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
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Success title
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Game Instructions
| - This will allow you to choose another Connected pet in Watchmaker's Hill.
From Card/Storylet title
| - What about your Maverick Bloodhound?
Unlocked with
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Success description
| - These two get along like bread and butter. Smitten with one another. You couldn't ask for the dog back now. Still, the payment's good. Chalk this one up to experience.
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| - The Implacable Detective is here with a proposition. 'That's a good dog,' she says. 'Lend him to me. I'll make it worth your while.' She's got a reputation, this one. You probably won't get your dog back.
| - From: [[]] The Implacable Detective is here with a proposition. 'That's a good dog,' she says. 'Lend him to me. I'll make it worth your while.' She's got a reputation, this one. You probably won't get your dog back. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__