| - Falco Vorpatril was a District Count of Barrayar and the senior member of House Vorpatril. He was known as a political moderate, alternatively considered a conservative Progressive or a progressive Conservative. His residence in the capital was Vorpatril House. While Count Vorpatril was only a very distant cousin of Lord Ivan Vorpatril, who held his title from another source, he was an associate of Ivan's mother Lady Alys Vorpatril and on occasion lent her the use of his armsmen. Count Vorpatril initially opposed the succession of Lord Dono Vorrutyer to the title of Count Vorrutyer. However, after Dono was assaulted by hired thugs, Ivan Vorpatril brought him to Vorpatril House and produced evidence that Dono's cousin and rival Richars Vorrutyer was responsible for the assault. Offended, Vorpatril joined Count Vorhalas, Count Vorfolse, and Count Vorkalloner in opposing Richars. Their support provided Dono his victory. When Ivan and Tej showed up in his court seeking a divorce, he refused them on the grounds that they met none of the conditions required for granting one. He closed the case with the statement "Do not ever again attempt to play fast and loose with solemn oaths in any jurisdiction of mine, Captain and Lady Vorpatril."