| - The Enhanced Defense Intelligence, known as EDI was originally an A.I. created by Cerberus from an Alliance Hannibal-Class VI that went rogue in 2183 CE. The VI itself is represented by a female voice, and identity. She was instrumental in the Mass Effect Trilogy, and Mass Effect: Chronicles of a Silent Galaxy. Originally a Systems Alliance VI on Luna, after going rouge, she was disabled by Vincent Shepard, and soon acquired by Cerberus. Cerberus placed her into the Normandy SR2, where she ended up working under Commander Shepard after Cerberus revived him. Eventually, the Normandy's pilot, "Joker" Moreau Jeff Moreau, unlocked the full array of EDI's abilities, granting her true intelligence as well. After Shepard abandoned Cerberus, EDI remained apart of the crew, and even developed a relationship with Joker. She soon gained a physical body in the body of android Eva Core', and began assisting Shepard and his team on the ground. However, as the end of the Reaper War, Shepard choose to destroy all synthetic life, and as a consequence, EDI was destroyed. Five years later, Liara T'Soni, now the wife of Shepard, recreated EDI. For the several years after, EDI resumed life in her former body, until Joker passed away in 2223 CE. EDI abandoned her physical form and became the operator of Liara's entire Shadow Broker network.