| - [Source] Plo Koon est un Kel Dor membre du Conseil Jedi durant les dernières années de la République Galactique. Il combattu durant la Guerre des Clones puis mourut durant l'Ordre 66 sur Cato Neimoidia.
- Plo Koon ist ein Jedi-Meister der einer Fliege ähnehlt. Plo Koon ist ein bedeutendes Ratsmitglied. Der ernste Jedi-Meister trifft schnelle Entscheidungen. Plos Fähigkeit, rasch zu handeln, macht ihn zu einem impulsiven Krieger und gefürchteten Piloten.
- Plo Koon ist ein Jedi-Meister der einer Fliege ähnehlt. Plo Koon ist ein bedeutendes Ratsmitglied. Der ernste Jedi-Meister trifft schnelle Entscheidungen. Plos Fähigkeit, rasch zu handeln, macht ihn zu einem impulsiven Krieger und gefürchteten Piloten.
- Plo Koon fue un kel dor sensible a la Fuerza nacido en el planeta Dorin, y como tal, fue aceptado en la Orden Jedi a una edad muy temprana. En el Templo Jedi de Coruscant, Plo Koon fue entrenado y, con el paso del tiempo, alcanzó el rango de Maestro Jedi. Antes de la Invasión de Naboo, Plo Koon ya era un Maestro Jedi que formaba parte del Consejo Jedi.
- Plo Koon Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Muži Kategória:Jediovia
- Plo Koon was stern but fair. Cruel but honest. A stonehearted bastard but yet still somehow a wise all-caring Jedi. He invented a new kind of Force lightning called Electric Judgment that was supposedly (wink, wink) not of the Dark Side. He was reportedly killed by his fellow clone pilots above Neimoidia. His Delta-7 was ablaze from turbolaser shots before he died.
- Plo Koon was a Kel Dor Jedi Master and long-term member of the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. He has appeared in the sets 7676 Republic Gunship and 8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter and in the games Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
- Plo Koon was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set.
- Plo Koon was a Kel Dor Jedi Master serving as a member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic. He frequently undertook dangerous missions. He was the Jedi who found Ahsoka Tano, with whom he would, from that moment, share a special bond. He was among the Jedi who participated in the Battle of Geonosis. He became a Jedi General in the Clone Wars and took part in such conflicts as the Battle of Abregado and the Battle of Felucia. While he was leading a squadron of ARC-170 starfighters on Cato Neimoidia, he was killed by his own troops, after Order 66 was executed by Emperor Sheev Palpatine.
- Plo Koon hímnemű Kel Dor Jedi mester volt a Dorin bolygóról. Több mint 10 évig a Jedi Főtanács tagja is volt. A Klónok háborúja alatt Koon főtábornok volt a Köztársaság Nagy Hadseregében. Kiváló pilóta hírében állt.
- Plo Koon was a Jedi Master. He was on the Jedi Council until the time of his probable death on Cato Nemodia during the execution of Order 66. There is some speculation that he may have survived the attack. He wields a blue and a yellow lightsaber and often uses near dark side of the Force powers such as Electrical Judgement. He also cared about every life form he met. He wore a mask to to allow him to breathe the gases that did not exist on his home planet that other planets did have.
- thumb|237px|right Plo Koon ist ein Jedimeister des Jediordens, außerdem ist er Mitglied im Hohen Rat der Jedi. Er trägt eine Maske und Augenschutz, denn seine Spezies, die Kel'Dor, vertragen keinen Sauerstoff. Er tritt in der Fernsehserie Star Wars: The Clone Wars sowie im dritten Teil der Saga auf, wobei er schon früher Ahsoka Tano in den Jedi-Tepel gebracht und aufgenommen hat. Er wurde in der 3. Episode, die Rache der Sith (Englisch: Revenge of the Sith ), durch Schüsse eines ARC-170 Starfighters, der die Order 66 ausführte, vielleicht ermordet es ist unbekannt ob er überlebte.
- Plo Koon è un personaggio immaginario appartenente all'universo fantascientifico di Guerre Stellari. È un Kel Dor, nativo del pianeta Dorin e deve proteggersi gli occhi e le narici sensibilissime dall'atmosfera ricca di ossigeno di Coruscant con particolari dispositivi. Ardito pilota, partecipa alla missione di salvataggio di Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker e la senatrice Padmé Amidala su Geonosis: è uno dei pochi superstiti. Tre anni dopo muore a causa dell'Ordine 66 del Cancelliere Palpatine, che consiste nell'uccisione di tutti i Cavalieri Jedi. Durante una battaglia stellare un clone apre il fuoco sul suo caccia stellare Jedi.
- Plo Koon was a Kel Dor male from the planet Dorin who became a Jedi Master and a lifetime member of the Jedi High Council, holding the position from before the Invasion of Naboo to the end of the Republic in 19 BBY. During the Clone Wars, Koon served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. he was impressed of Shellshocks Weapons senced he met Dr. Nefarious and Lord Vorselon
- Plo Koon war ein Jedi-Meister der während der Klonkriege lebte. Er wurde in der Order 66 zusammen mit all den anderen Jedi getötet.
- Plo Koon is a very power full being that wields a Light Saber just like Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A. Like John W. McCain, Koon was too shot down in her fighter by backstabbing communists. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Plo Koon postać z serii Gwiezdne Wojny. <default>Plo Koon</default> Personalia Pełne imię Przydomek Dom Nazwisko w oryginalnej wersji Rodzaj Gatunek Model Płeć Zajęcie Strona Bronie Cele Los Status Powód śmierci Rodzina Ojciec Matka Rodzeństwo Miłość Dzieci Dziadek Babcia Wnukowie Inni Występowanie Aktor Dubbing angielski Dubbing polski Inne wersje językowe dubbingu Filmy Seriale Gry wideo Książki Komiksy center|200px
- Plo Koon was één van de belangrijke Jedi Masters en Jedi High Council leden tijdens het laatste decennium van de Galactic Republic.
- Plo Koon, to mistrz Jedi rasy Kel Dor. Pochodził z planety Dorin. Zginął w czasie drugiej bitwy o Cato Neimoidię. Był przyjacielem Ki-Adi-Mundiego i Kita Fisto.
- Plo Koon is a LEGO Star Wars Minifigure. He was a Jedi Master who served the Republic during the Clone Wars. To date, Plo has appeared in three sets and two LEGO Star Wars video games.
- Plo Koon was a well respected Jedi Master who is on the High Jedi Council. He is a Kel-Dor and wears a mask to protect his facial features from oxygen rich air. Unlike most other Jedi heroes in Battlefront, Plo Koon can use Force Lightning, which he calls "Force Judgment."
- While one of the High Council's most valued members for his knowledge and combat experience, Koon remained silent at most meetings, listening to the deep discussions of his peers. Koon was present when his friend Master Qui-Gon Jinn reported his suspicions that the Sith Lords of old were returning and brought forth a boy believed to be the destined Chosen One named Anakin Skywalker. The Council did not come to final decision when Jinn was slain on Naboo. The Council traveled to Naboo for the funeral of Jinn where Koon and the rest of the Council allowed Obi-Wan Kenobi to train the young boy.
- In the waning days of the Republic, the ranks of the Jedi Order were commanded by a High Council of Jedi Masters who convened in a towering temple on Coruscant. Twelve Jedi sat in a circle to contemplate matters of the Force, and dispatch Knights to scattered crises across the galaxy. One such Jedi Master was Plo Koon, an imposing alien whose face was concealed behind a forked facemask.
- Plo Koon var en manlig Kel Dor från planeten Dorin som blev en jedimästare och fick en livstidsplats i Jedirådet som han höll från Invasionen av Naboo år 32 BBY ända tills Republikens fall år 19 BBY. Under klonkrigen var Koon en jedigeneral som tjänstgjorde i Republikens armé. Han var också en skicklig stjärnkrigarpilot. Plo sköts ner ovanför Cato Neimoidia av sina egna klontrupper, som en del av order 66.
- Plo Koon oli miespuolinen Kel dor -lajin edustaja planeetta Dorinilta, josta tuli jedimestari ja elinikäinen jäsen jedien korkeimmassa neuvostossa, pitäen paikkaa ennen Naboon Invaasiota Tasavallan loppuun saakka 19 BBY. Kloonisotien aikaan hän palveli ylikenraalina Tasavallan suurarmeijassa. Hän oli myös taitava tähtihävittäjäpilotti. Hän kuoli tähtihävittäjässään Cato Neimoidian yllä kloonisotilaidensa toimesta, Palpatinen julistaman käsky 66:den mukaisesti.