| - At some point between time the time of the Queen's death (Edward the Benevolent's queen) and after. When the Queen Died, Edward's heart was broken and he stopped funding the kingdom, except for his guards, and the bells he put up in her rememberence. The kingdom went into decline, and became poor. It was at some point during this time, that the Magic Mirror was stolen (apparently by Stone Goblins, or whoever the magic user was who lead the Goblins), but no one knew who stole it for sure. Edward had missives and wanted posters put up asking for people to find the Missing Magic Mirror".
| - At some point between time the time of the Queen's death (Edward the Benevolent's queen) and after. When the Queen Died, Edward's heart was broken and he stopped funding the kingdom, except for his guards, and the bells he put up in her rememberence. The kingdom went into decline, and became poor. It was at some point during this time, that the Magic Mirror was stolen (apparently by Stone Goblins, or whoever the magic user was who lead the Goblins), but no one knew who stole it for sure. Edward had missives and wanted posters put up asking for people to find the Missing Magic Mirror". Some time later Graham came to Daventry from Llewdor to take part in a Knights Tournament to become one of the Knights of Daventry (and possibly win the position to become the new King of Daventry). Graham was successful, and helped restore the land, and fix issues with the Bridge Troll Guild so funds began to flow around the land again, and in just a few short years he became known as the greatest knight in Daventry, and caught the King's eye. A few years later, as Edward neared the end of his life, Edward had one final request, he sent the young knight on the 'quest to return his stolen mirror', with the promise to reward him with the kingdom on his return. Graham searched high and low all over the kingdom for the mirror, with no luck luck. The last place he looked, was a place had not been back to in years (the Dragon Cave under the Forest Well he had explored with Achaka, and faced the Legendary Beast, a large, hideous dragon in his youth). He did not want to face the Dragon again, but it was his last chance to honor the king's request. He snuck through the caves discovering signs of stolen beds, butter churns, and other debris, he spotted the shining Mirror while crossing a bridge far above. Exploring through the tunnels he discovered a bedroom with magic books inside, belonging to who ever controlled the dragon. Finally he reached the dragon's chamber, distracting it meat, using a strange contraption, he was able to finally sneak over to the mirror. Examining it for a few moments he saw a vision of wearing the Crown of Daventry on his his head. He put the mirror away in his cape's large pockets. The dragon spotted him however, he was forced to a mad escape back to the well, where he had a final confrontation with the dragon (with three decisions that would have future consequences for him). With the Dragon out of his way, with the last of his strenth, he climbed out of the well and headed back to the castle to return the Magic Mirror. He thought of the kingdom he would receive for returning the Mirror, and what it would become. Ever since the Magic Mirror had returned, its reflections have warned the kingdom of danger, kept the royal family safe, and it has exposed many troublesome crumbs tangled in Graham's beard. Not long after Graham became king it showed him a future where he as an old man in his 90s was being chased by a dragon. Many years later, Graham uses the mirror to tell stories to his young granddaughter Gwendolyn. Perhaps embellishing them a bit. This was Graham's most prized treasure that it was always guarded inside the castle, and not just left out in the King's Glen exposed to the weather and tourists.