| - He recorded "Sing" on his 1973 album And I Love You So. The Muppets appeared on Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall in December 1965, performing a sketch about five Reindeer. King Goshposh, Featherstone and the Country Trio appeared on Como's 1972 special The Perry Como Winter Show. Como also appeared on the 1973 prime-time special Julie on Sesame Street. Como's "Magic Moments" can be heard in the Creature Shop film The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
- Pierino Como (Perry) (Canonsburg (Pennsylvania), 18 may 1912 - Jupiter Inlet Colony (Florida), 12 may 2001) was an American singer. His sheets were a total of more than 60 million copies sold. Although he always liked sang, was his greatest wish to be Barber . After obtaining his high school graduation he opened a barber shop. In 1933, he married his childhood sweetheart, Roselle Belline. They remained married until she died. In 1943, he signed an exclusive contract with RCA Victor, and remained for nearly 50 years at that company.
| - He recorded "Sing" on his 1973 album And I Love You So. The Muppets appeared on Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall in December 1965, performing a sketch about five Reindeer. King Goshposh, Featherstone and the Country Trio appeared on Como's 1972 special The Perry Como Winter Show. Como also appeared on the 1973 prime-time special Julie on Sesame Street. Como's "Magic Moments" can be heard in the Creature Shop film The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
- Pierino Como (Perry) (Canonsburg (Pennsylvania), 18 may 1912 - Jupiter Inlet Colony (Florida), 12 may 2001) was an American singer. His sheets were a total of more than 60 million copies sold. Although he always liked sang, was his greatest wish to be Barber . After obtaining his high school graduation he opened a barber shop. In 1933, he married his childhood sweetheart, Roselle Belline. They remained married until she died. Como went in 1933 singing Freddy Carlone's band in Ohio. Three years later he worked for Ted Weems ' Orchestra with which he also for the first time took up plates . The first song was called "You Can't Pull the Wool over My Eyes, and was recorded at Decca Records. When Weems Como went to his band in 1942 raised CBS, where he remained for several years without much success for recording. Around this time the former Barber had decided to return to Canonsburg, his family and his barber shop. Just as he was about to give his singing career there, finally to NBC 's two producers brought him over for theNBC Supper Club go to occur. After this, he garnered more and more success in theatres and nightclubs. In 1943, he signed an exclusive contract with RCA Victor, and remained for nearly 50 years at that company. In 1945 he took over the pop-ballad 'Til the End of Time on, a song based on Chopin's Polonaise in a-flat, and that turned out to be the beginning of a very successful career.Como was the first artist of 10 plates each managed to sell over a million copies. Television shows are also drew more viewers than that of any other singer. In 2010 used postal company TNT Post the song called in the Magic Moments of Como Christmas commercial of the company. In a list of Joel Whitburn are no less than 14 of his songs that first place in the American charts have achieved:
* Till The End Of Time (1945)
* Prisoner Of Love (1946)
* Surrender (1946)
* Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba (1947)
* A-you're Adorable (1949)
* Some Enchanted Evening (1949)
* Hoop-De-Doo (1950)
* If (1951)
* Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes (1952)
* No Other Love (1953)
* Wanted (1954)
* Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom) (1956)
* Round And Round (1957)
* Catch A Falling Star (1958) On March 14, 1958, como's hit Catch a Falling Star by the RIAA declared to her first gold record . His last hit was a cover of Don McLeans And I Love You So, recorded in 1973.