| - The Shosuro Acting Troupe was a concept designed by one instructor of the Shosuro arts of deception, Shosuro Furuyari. Feeling the need to test his own theories and techniques he took his students out on the roads of the Empire as a traveling troupe and performed for village headmen and low-ranking magistrates. As his reputation grew, the stature of his audience grew with him. After a few years he was peforming for the heads of the Empire's most prestigious families, entertaining them with tales of the highest comedy and darkest tragedy. During his visits he was afforded every hospitality... an oppurtunity that Furuyari did not overlook. By bribing servants, memorising escape routes and engaging retainers eager to betray their masters, the troupe gathered information on the defences of the Hiruma, Daidoji and Shiba castles. For 37 years Furuyari was the Scorpion's most valuable tool. However his health caught up with him and his final performance was in front of the Emperor himself. Hours later he died. But despite his death, Furuyari's troupe continued in his memory. They formed a school, named after his traveling actors. The School of the Ivory Fan still exists and travels across Rokugan, entertaining it's most prestigious nobility.