The Poor are a voter group. Poor people are very sensitive to poverty and unemployment, so they want the rates of both to be as low as possible. They're also the main recipients of welfare and government aid programs, so they support them when they can. They simultaneously oppose both taxes and tax breaks, since they already have so little money and usually aren't eligible to claim any breaks.
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| - The Poor are a voter group. Poor people are very sensitive to poverty and unemployment, so they want the rates of both to be as low as possible. They're also the main recipients of welfare and government aid programs, so they support them when they can. They simultaneously oppose both taxes and tax breaks, since they already have so little money and usually aren't eligible to claim any breaks.
- Poor is the lowest level of item quality below Common and also the lowest level of battle pet quality below Common.
- Something that is poor means that it has no value to it or that it has no value whatsoever. Something that is poor would be a hobo living on the streets with no job.
- Qualifies a coffee of really common flavor.
- Sure, it ain't what you make, it's what you save. But it helps to have a real job first.
- Poor is the lowest level of item quality.
* The names of poor quality items will appear in gray.
* Equippable items of poor quality usually have no attribute bonuses or stats besides basic Armor or Damage. Only new characters will find these items useful.
* Poor quality items cannot be disenchanted.
* Poor quality items are often called "Vendor Trash", "Junk", or simply "grays".
* Except for equippable items and [Noboru's Cudgel], poor quality items have no use and can safely be sold to vendors.
* Poor quality items are rarely given as quest rewards. There are only 3 quest reward items, see Wowhead for details.
* The web color code for poor itemlinks is #9d9d9d.
- If a student receives a 'Poor' (or lower) on an O.W.L. for a particular subject, the student has failed that subject and is unable to continue on with it as a N.E.W.T. class. The student however, does have the option to repeat the subject, if they choose to do so.
- Poor (povero) è il livello più basso di qualità dell'oggetto.
* I nomi degli oggetti di qualità Poor appaiono in grigio.
* Gli oggetti equipaggiabili di qualità Poor non hanno bonus agli attributi od alle statistiche di base. Solo i nuovi giocatori troveranno questi oggetti utili.
* Gli oggetti di qualità Poor non possono essere disincantati.
* Gli oggetti di qualità Poor sono spesso chiamati "Vendor Trash" (da vendere), "Junk" (spazzatura) o semplicemente "grigi".
* Eccetto gli oggetti equipaggiabili e Noboru's Cudgel, gli oggetti di qualità Poor non servono a niente e possono essere venduti in tutta sicurezza ai mercanti.
* Gli oggetti di qualità Poor vengono dati raramente come ricompensa per le missioni.
* Il web color code per i link degli oggetti poor è #9d9
- Kiepski to najniższy poziom jakości przedmiotu, poniżej codziennego.
* Nazwy przedmiotów rzadkiej jakości wyświetlane są na szaro, mają one również szarą otoczkę.
* Przedmioty ekwipowalne nie mają przeważnie bonusów do atrybutów czy statystyk poza podstawowymi: Zbroi oraz Obrażeń. Tylko nowoutworzone postacie mogą uznać je za godne uwagi.
* Przedmiotów rzadkiej jakości nie można poddać odklinaniu.
* Przedmioty rzadkiej jakości są nazywane w żargonie "Vendor Trash", "Junk" lub po prosto "gray".
* Poza ekwipowalnymi przedmiotami, takimi, które można przeczytać oraz [Noboru's Cudgel] przedmioty o rzadkiej jakości nie mają zastosowania i można je spokojnie sprzedać.
* Przedmioty rzadkiej jakości rzadko stanowią nagrodę w zadaniach. Wowhead wymienia tylko 6 takich przypadk
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| - Kiepski to najniższy poziom jakości przedmiotu, poniżej codziennego.
* Nazwy przedmiotów rzadkiej jakości wyświetlane są na szaro, mają one również szarą otoczkę.
* Przedmioty ekwipowalne nie mają przeważnie bonusów do atrybutów czy statystyk poza podstawowymi: Zbroi oraz Obrażeń. Tylko nowoutworzone postacie mogą uznać je za godne uwagi.
* Przedmiotów rzadkiej jakości nie można poddać odklinaniu.
* Przedmioty rzadkiej jakości są nazywane w żargonie "Vendor Trash", "Junk" lub po prosto "gray".
* Poza ekwipowalnymi przedmiotami, takimi, które można przeczytać oraz [Noboru's Cudgel] przedmioty o rzadkiej jakości nie mają zastosowania i można je spokojnie sprzedać.
* Przedmioty rzadkiej jakości rzadko stanowią nagrodę w zadaniach. Wowhead wymienia tylko 6 takich przypadków.
* Kod webowy dla rzadkiej jakości przedmiotów to #9d9d9d.
- Poor (povero) è il livello più basso di qualità dell'oggetto.
* I nomi degli oggetti di qualità Poor appaiono in grigio.
* Gli oggetti equipaggiabili di qualità Poor non hanno bonus agli attributi od alle statistiche di base. Solo i nuovi giocatori troveranno questi oggetti utili.
* Gli oggetti di qualità Poor non possono essere disincantati.
* Gli oggetti di qualità Poor sono spesso chiamati "Vendor Trash" (da vendere), "Junk" (spazzatura) o semplicemente "grigi".
* Eccetto gli oggetti equipaggiabili e Noboru's Cudgel, gli oggetti di qualità Poor non servono a niente e possono essere venduti in tutta sicurezza ai mercanti.
* Gli oggetti di qualità Poor vengono dati raramente come ricompensa per le missioni.
* Il web color code per i link degli oggetti poor è #9d9d9d.
- The Poor are a voter group. Poor people are very sensitive to poverty and unemployment, so they want the rates of both to be as low as possible. They're also the main recipients of welfare and government aid programs, so they support them when they can. They simultaneously oppose both taxes and tax breaks, since they already have so little money and usually aren't eligible to claim any breaks.
- Poor is the lowest level of item quality below Common and also the lowest level of battle pet quality below Common.
- Something that is poor means that it has no value to it or that it has no value whatsoever. Something that is poor would be a hobo living on the streets with no job.
- Qualifies a coffee of really common flavor.
- Sure, it ain't what you make, it's what you save. But it helps to have a real job first.
- Poor is the lowest level of item quality.
* The names of poor quality items will appear in gray.
* Equippable items of poor quality usually have no attribute bonuses or stats besides basic Armor or Damage. Only new characters will find these items useful.
* Poor quality items cannot be disenchanted.
* Poor quality items are often called "Vendor Trash", "Junk", or simply "grays".
* Except for equippable items and [Noboru's Cudgel], poor quality items have no use and can safely be sold to vendors.
* Poor quality items are rarely given as quest rewards. There are only 3 quest reward items, see Wowhead for details.
* The web color code for poor itemlinks is #9d9d9d.
- If a student receives a 'Poor' (or lower) on an O.W.L. for a particular subject, the student has failed that subject and is unable to continue on with it as a N.E.W.T. class. The student however, does have the option to repeat the subject, if they choose to do so.