| - Vados est la maîtresse en arts martiaux de Champa ainsi que son accompagnatrice. Elle est la sœur de Whis.
- Kategoria:Artykuły do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Vados – Anielica, mistrzyni, towarzyszka oraz służka Champy, Boga Zniszczenia Szóstego Wszechświata, starsza siostra Whisa, asystenta i mistrza Beerusa. Vados uważa, że jest silniejsza od swego młodszego brata, jednak ten stanowczo temu zaprzecza.
- Vados (ヴァドス, Vadosu) is the attendant of the Hakaishin of the Sixth Universe, Champa. Her brother is the attendant of the Hakaishin of the Seventh Universe, Whis.
- Vados is a humanoid with teal skin and long white hair, similar to Whis, although she wears it as a high ponytail. She carries a long scepter with a gem that floats above it, and she usually holds her staff in her right hand. Around her neck is a large light blue ring. Her attire consists of green robes, a black cuirass with the same white and orange circle decorations as Champa the Destroyer, and a red sash. She also wears white high heeled shoes with black soles.