| - 65
- 65 ( API : /swa.sɑ̃t.sɛ̃k/ ) 1.
* Soixante-cinq. Le numéro gagnant est le 65. 2.
* Habitant du département de la Hautes-Pyrénées. Les 65 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement.
* 65ième 65 ( API : /swa.sɑ̃t.sɛ̃k/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1.
* Département de la Hautes-Pyrénées. J’habite dans le 65.
* six cinq
* Hautes-Pyrénées
* Tarbes
- #65 is the sixty-fifth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
- El sesenta y cinco (65) es el número natural que sigue al sesenta y cuatro y precede al sesenta y seis. Categoría:Números
- Number 65 was an item on The List.
- The year 65 AD.
- This is the 66th episode in the game, and the sixth episode of the 60s column.
- kierunek: STARY FORDON kierunek: LEŚNE kierunek: MARIAMPOL kierunek: LEŚNE (www.mzk.bydgoszcz.pl)
- Während Diana glücklich in Julians Armen einschläft, kann dieser sein schlechtes Gewissen nicht länger ertragen. Er stiehlt sich davon und will mit Jenny eine Entscheidung über ihre Beziehung treffen. Julian gesteht Jenny seine Seitensprünge mit Diana und seine Liebe zu ihr, doch statt einzulenken besteht Jenny auf der Hochzeit. Tim will mit Unterstützung Nina in die Band zurückholen. Das Unterfangen endet jedoch unbeabsichtigt in einem Kräftemessen mit Dieter. Nadja erteilt Ingo plumpen Anmachversuch eine klare Abfuhr. Erst als er beginnt, seinen Charme spielen zu lassen, bricht das Eis zwischen Nadja und ihm.
- 65 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1.
* Département de la Hautes-Pyrénées. 2.
* J’habite dans le 65.
* six cinq
* Hautes-Pyrénées
* Tarbes
- 65 (sixty-five) is a positive integer following 64 and preceding 66. Its ordinal form is written "sixty-fifth" or 65th.
- Ask That Guy Episode 65 (October 16, 2011) That Guy: (screaming) What the HELL you doin' in my home? How the hell (raises his arms in disgust) do you get in here all the time anyway? HUH? HUH?!?! / [cut to a Deviant Art drawing of ATG along with the caption "Medicine Time", as faux-Muzak-style accompaniment plays - the kind Doug has used before; ATG is believed to be restrained by some "medical people", hence this:] Let go of me, ya pieces of SHIT! [ATG appears to have been tranq'ed as he lets out three relaxing moans] Saluto! [Colloquial Italian greeting, I think - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to "Ask That Guy with the Glasses."
- Elizabeth tries, unsuccessfully, to get Burke to leave. Burke and Elizabeth trade barbs; he states he can buy her house 20 times over. Burke is rude and Elizabeth wants him to spend his money on manner lessons. Burke admires Elizabeth's furniture and she finally agrees to wait with him for Roger. Roger is calling Maggie to find out where Sam is, when he shows up at the Blue Whale. Victoria and Burke talk at Collinwood after Elizabeth tries playing nice. Roger tells Sam that he's in danger, maybe not as much as Roger himself, if the truth should come out. Sam reconsiders Roger's earlier offer to leave town, but Roger has withdrawn it. An interesting tune plays as Roger reconsiders his withdrawal. Burke and Victoria talk about Norway and his father, who was a frail landlubber. Sam wonders ho