| - [Source] Arcis est la principale ville de Burnin Konn sous l'Empire Galactique. Elle était habitée par de nombreux contrebandiers, trafiquants et criminels.
- Players must speak to her after gaining 100% favour in the Arceuus House as part of the Architectural Alliance miniquest. She builds the legs, robes, and feet of the statue.
- Arcis has been the capital of the Regalis Imperium since before the Imperium's founding in 15,843 BBY. First inhabited by human colonists long before 19,000 BBY, Arcis was, over the millennium, built into an ecumenopolis, similar to Coruscant in style yet, in many ways, much smaller in size. The planet was slow to develop, the primary city revolving around the Citadel, but continued to thrive for several generations.
| - Arcis has been the capital of the Regalis Imperium since before the Imperium's founding in 15,843 BBY. First inhabited by human colonists long before 19,000 BBY, Arcis was, over the millennium, built into an ecumenopolis, similar to Coruscant in style yet, in many ways, much smaller in size. The planet was slow to develop, the primary city revolving around the Citadel, but continued to thrive for several generations. When the Regalis Imperium was established, Arcis was officialized as the capital of the empire. An influx of funding became available, and the planet's economic and infrasturctural status soared to new heights. By 14,000 BBY, the planet was clearly identified as an ecumenopolis by the Imperium. During the Great Crusades raging from 13,250 BBY to 13,185 BBY, Arcis suffered greatly in the Battle of Arcis. Much of its infrastructure had suffered during the war, and as a result the Imperium entered a temporary lapse. Years later, when the new infrastructure was built and replaced the old, Arcis became known as the Jewel of the Imperium. Since then, it has continued to thrive, and has seen little in terms of expansion and upgrading, unlike Coruscant. As most of the Imperium's expansionary efforts had been to surrounding systems, Arcis remained relatively small, but still the central planet within the entire empire.
- [Source] Arcis est la principale ville de Burnin Konn sous l'Empire Galactique. Elle était habitée par de nombreux contrebandiers, trafiquants et criminels.
- Players must speak to her after gaining 100% favour in the Arceuus House as part of the Architectural Alliance miniquest. She builds the legs, robes, and feet of the statue.