| - A happy ending, one where Sam's desperate gamble with the All Spark had succeeded, and everyone lived... Bumblebee is sure in some universe, that ending happened. But not in this one. Here, Sam died that day, and the Decepticons have won! Meanwhile, six Autobots have arrived on the Moon, under the command of Skyblast. They're waiting to hear from Ironhide and Bumblebee before they go in. All they have going for them, Skyblast says, is the element of surprise. So it's a pity that they're being monitored by the Decepticons and Starscream knows they're there...
| - A happy ending, one where Sam's desperate gamble with the All Spark had succeeded, and everyone lived... Bumblebee is sure in some universe, that ending happened. But not in this one. Here, Sam died that day, and the Decepticons have won! Bumblebee and Mikaela Banes drive through the conquered Denver. A Decepticon base looms over the city, drone soldiers walk the streets and patrol the skies, and Mikaela is unsure if they can get through without being detected. They have to - she knows "we have to find him," or it's all for nothing. When Bumblebee says he'd prefer it if she wasn't in danger, she angrily reminds him she's proved herself in combat and that "this is for Sam!" At the Decepticon base, Megatron oversees the All Spark's power gradually cyberforming Earth into a new Cybertron. A new era of Decepticon supremacy is upon them, ruined only by the remaining free nations of Earth threatening a nuclear strike on Decepticon-held territory. Megatron calls Dropkick and tells him to send Starscream and Dreadwing to deal with this threat. Meanwhile, six Autobots have arrived on the Moon, under the command of Skyblast. They're waiting to hear from Ironhide and Bumblebee before they go in. All they have going for them, Skyblast says, is the element of surprise. So it's a pity that they're being monitored by the Decepticons and Starscream knows they're there... Back in Denver, Bumblebee and Mikaela prepare to raid a Decepticon tunnel. While the Autobot takes on its guard, Swindle, Mikaela disables the tunnel entrance's automatic failsafe mechanism. Following that—and Bumblebee accidentally almost squishing her with a falling Swindle ("My bad")—they head down the tunnel to the former Sector 7 base and their objective: Optimus Prime! Unfortunately he's offline, possibly dead, and frozen like Megatron once was. And worse, Megatron knows they're there and is off to deal with it personally...